3 Días Retiro Yoga + Meditación + Crec.Personal Costa Brava


3 Días Retiro Yoga + Meditación + Crec.Personal Costa Brava

Vida sana en la naturaleza y el mar - Yoga y Meditación cada día + 15 actividades de Crecimiento Personal

 Queremos que tengas unas vacaciones de cuerpo y alma, que descanses y conectes con tu naturaleza.

Nuestra finalidad es que puedas relajarte y encontrar el estímulo y las condiciones para cuidarte y explorar nuevas sensaciones y vivencias.

✅ A partir de una vida sana donde cuidar el cuerpo y la mente.

✅ Nuestro programa combina una clase de yoga y meditación por la mañana ,  actividad de senderismo y naturaleza  con talleres por la tarde de biodanza, sono-terapia  , tantra, meditación en movimiento, equilibrio chakras o terapia corporal.

✅ Toda esta actividad con una alimentación riquísima   (puedes elegir dieta variada, vegetariana, vegana).y unas instalación perfectas para descansar. Además, cada día después de la cena tendremos una relajación para interiorizar todo lo vivido durante el día y descansar profundamente.

9.4 / 10 Ver
¡Hay plazas libres!
Excelente 9.4
Ver 34 valoraciones
¡Hay plazas libres!
  • Duración
    3 días / 2 noches
    Idioma instrucción
    Español, Catalán
  • Hora Llegada
    Hora Salida
  • Tipos de Yoga
    • Ashtanga
    • Hatha
    • Vinyasa
  • Tipos de Meditación
    • Chakra
    • En movimiento
    • Mantra
    • Guiada
  • Actividades
    • Charlas
    • Sesiones de meditación
    • Sesiones de Yoga
    • Senderismo
    • Baños de bosque
    • Ejercicios de movimiento consciente
    • Tantra
    • Biodanza
    • Sonoterapia
    • Talleres terapéuticos con psicológa
    • Sonoterapia
    • Astrologia
    • Arteterapia
  • Nivel
    No se requiere
    Tamaño máx. grupo
  • Público
    Abierto a todos
  • Se aceptan mascotas
3 días / 2 noches

Desde 330€

Selecciona fecha de inicio:
Fecha seleccionada:
13-07-22 al 13-07-22
Selecciona participantes:
Selecciona habitación:
  • Habitación de 2 /3 camas Compartida
    1 330€ Precio total
  • Habitación de 2 /3 camas Privada
    2 660€ Precio total
  • Habitación de 2 /3 camas Privada
    3 990€ Precio total
  • Habitación de 2 /3 camas Compartida
    4 1320€ Precio total
  • Privada
    2 695€ Precio total
  • Privada
    1 490€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    4 1960€ Precio total

Paga ahora

  • Paga los 0€ restantes directamente en el retiro el 13 julio 2022
  • Para tu tranquilidad Reserva Canjeable hasta 10 días antes del retiro
Enviar pregunta
  • Mejor precio garantizado
    • Si lo encuentras más barato, te devolvemos la diferencia
  • Reserva con total tranquilidad
  • Compromiso Inspyria

Para garantizar la protección de tus datos, garantías y pagos, confía siempre en Inspyria

Suma 330 Dharmas  (3.30€)  de descuento para tu próxima reserva


  • Elisabet


    Hatha Yoga

    Meditación mindfulness y Ying Yoga, QiGong.Yoga Sensible al trauma.Sonoterapia con cuencos tibetanos y Himalayan Mystic Sound.Respiración consciente y pranayama.

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  • Mónica


    Terapeuta Gestalt

    Miembro Adherente de la Asociación Española de Terapia Gestalt (AETG).Terapia de Pareja y Familiar modelo Gestalt i Sistémica Relacional.Graduada en Pedagogía (UDG).Practitioner en PNL.Registros Akashicos.Profesora de Hatha Yoga.Facilitadora de Mindfulness basado en la compasión.Formada en técnica Zen.Formada en Hipnoterapia.Transformacional Rápida.Formada en Terapia Atávica.Árbol Genealógico y Transgeneracional.Formada en Kinesiología Emocional.

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  • Marga


    Acompañante en biodescodificación

    Naturopatía bioenergética.Breathwork, facilitadora en respiración consciente.Acompañante en biodescodificación.Reiki.Masaje holístico.

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  • Andrea


    Me declaro contempladora empedernida de la vida

     Lo que me mueve es descubrirlo cada día y poder ayudar a los demás a entrar en este camino del autoconocimiento y desarrollo personal. Cada día es una nueva oportunidad para aprender de herramientas que nos acerquen a nosotros mismos y al entorno, de ahí que me podrás encontrar en diferentes ámbitos. Explora conmigo!

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  • Emili


    Ayudo a transmitir contacto hacia el interior

    Mi intención en la práctica de Hatha Yoga o Hatha Raja y la Meditación es transmitir el contacto hacia el interior, hacia tu esencia. Utilizando la respiración y el cuerpo, bajando la atención y velocidad de la mente hacia el corazón, para vivir más des de ese lugar. Logrando así contactar con quién eres realmente y cambiar tu estado de conciencia. En las sesiones de trabajo con los Chakras utilizo técnicas de desbloqueo corporal y movimiento a través de la música, posturas de yoga, visualización y meditación guiada y observación de conducta. Junto con las características de cada uno de los Chakras.

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¿Tienes alguna duda? Escríbenos


  • Centro de Retiros
  • Está ubicado en una Masía del siglo XVII, situada a las afueras de Castell d'Aro, ha sido reformada cuidando todos los detalles para poder encontrar un clima acogedor. Consta de 15 habitaciones dobles con baño, 2 de ellas con baños adaptados 1 comedor, 1 cocina, 1 sala con capacidad para 40 personas, con medios audiovisuales y otros espacios y pequeñas salas donde encontrarse a gusto, también dispone de una pequeña capilla. En el exterior delante de la Masía hay una gran era y una zona de césped, además de una zona para practicar deportes, una pista de básquet y un campo de futbol sala. Además de un bosque de pinos, todo ello en una finca vallada.

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No vegetariana
Opción alérgicos

La cocina del Mas Dausà es casera. La base es una cocina variada y vegetariana, las personas veganas tienes sus platos y respetamos todas las intolerancias alimenticias.
Hay buffet en el desayuno, con quesos, todo tipo de leches y zumos, pan integral y normal, sin gluten.
Las comidas y cenas son copiosas con la posibilidad de pedir platos vegetarianos cuando hay carne o pescado.
Durante las 24 horas hay una mesa con fruta, agua e infusiones a disposición de tod@s.
Bebidas incluidas:



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Día 1

16:00h Llegada de 15 a 17 h

18:00h Presentación - Taller

21:00h Cena

22:30h Actividad nocturna

Día 2

08:00h Yoga - Meditación

09:30h Desayuno

11:00h Astrología, Arte terapia, Biodanza, Baños de Bosque, Conexión con tu niñ@ interior, Enraizarte-Conexión con la tierra.

14:30h Comida


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Día 1

16:00h Llegada de 15 a 17 h

18:00h Presentación - Taller

21:00h Cena

22:30h Actividad nocturna

Día 2

08:00h Yoga - Meditación

09:30h Desayuno

11:00h Astrología, Arte terapia, Biodanza, Baños de Bosque, Conexión con tu niñ@ interior, Enraizarte-Conexión con la tierra.

14:30h Comida

16:00h Descanso - Playa - Masajes.

18:00h Abre tu corazón, Comunicación-expresión, Equilibrio – Chakras, Espiritualidad- Unión, Intuición – Sabiduría Nata, Poder personal – Límites.

21:00h Cena

22:30h Actividad nocturna relajación

Día 3

08:00h Yoga - Meditación

08:00h Yoga - Meditación

08:00h Yoga - Meditación

09:30h Desayuno

11:30 Actividad

14:30h Comida

16:00h Descanso-Playa-Masajes

18:00h abre tu corazón, Comunicación-expresión, Equilibrio-Chakras, Espiritualidad

21:00h Cena

Día 4

08:00h Yoga - Meditación

09:30h Desayuno

11:00h Astrología, Arte terapia, Biodanza, Baños de Bosque, Conexión con tu niñ@ interior, Enraizarte-Conexión con la tierra.

14:30h Comida

16:00h Salida

Lo que te vas a llevar

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  • Restaurar tu cuerpo, mente y alma
  • Un lugar para realmente desconectar y recargar baterías
  • Elimina el estrés y despeja tu mente
  • Acércate a hábitos saludables a tu ritmo, poco a poco
  • Aprende hábitos saludables para tu vida diaria
  • Conocer nuevas amistades afines a ti

El retiro incluye

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  • Alojamiento
  • Pensión completa
  • Talleres
  • Traslados al transporte público


  • Castell-Platja d'Aro, Girona, Catalunya, España
    Rodeado de naturaleza

Transporte Público

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Puedes llegar en AVE hasta Girona desde Barcelona, Zaragoza, Madrid y cualquier lugar de España con conexión a Madrid. Desde la estación del AVE sale un bus directo hasta Santa Cristina d'Aro, donde te venimos a buscar en vehiculo propio para llevarte hasta el retiro. A la vuelta el mismo formato, te llevamos hasta el BUS para que vayas a la estación de Girona y desde alli a los destinos de la ida.

Información adicional

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Lo ideal es traer Ropa cómoda de fibras naturales de color blanco o colores claros, sin marcas o publicidad o la ropa cómoda de que dispongas… Trae un fular o similar(mantita) para cubrirte la cabeza, creas un espacio íntimo en tu momento de paz en las meditaciones.
Mejor si traes todo tu material personal para la práctica: Esterilla y cojín.
Habrá algunas esterillas, zafús y mantas disponibles. No obstante por higiene, trae una toalla o tapete para cubrir toda la esterilla.
Botella de agua, Termo y/o taza personal para las infusiones.
Calzado y ropa (adecuada a la estación) cómoda…

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Lo ideal es traer Ropa cómoda de fibras naturales de color blanco o colores claros, sin marcas o publicidad o la ropa cómoda de que dispongas… Trae un fular o similar(mantita) para cubrirte la cabeza, creas un espacio íntimo en tu momento de paz en las meditaciones.
Mejor si traes todo tu material personal para la práctica: Esterilla y cojín.
Habrá algunas esterillas, zafús y mantas disponibles. No obstante por higiene, trae una toalla o tapete para cubrir toda la esterilla.
Botella de agua, Termo y/o taza personal para las infusiones.
Calzado y ropa (adecuada a la estación) cómoda para caminar en el campo y bosque.
Calcetines, ropa y calzado cómodo para la casa.
Para la playa (en temporada de verano): toalla, crema solar y bañador.

Política de Cancelación

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  • Si cancelas con más de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: Se canjea por un el CUPÓN INSPYRIA por el importe total del depósito.
  • Si cancelas con menos de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: El depósito se pierde.
  • El CUPÓN INSPYRIA es válido para reservar cualquier otra experiencia de Inspyria cuando tú quieras.

En caso que el retiro o evento se anule por fuerza mayor, se reembolsa la totalidad del depósito.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Quedan plazas libres?

Sí, quedan plazas. Se asignan las plazas por orden de reserva.

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¿Cómo hago la reserva de esta experiencia?

Directamente haciendo clic en el botón de RESERVA, puedes pagar con tarjeta, por paypal o por transferencia. Te ofrecemos también la opción de pagar a plazos para tu comodidad. Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos por teléfono y tramitamos el pago con tarjeta de forma telefónica.

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¿Qué pasa si se cancela el retiro?

Como cualquier evento puede ocurrir que se tenga que cancelar. En este improbable caso te avisamos de inmediato e intentamos buscar otra opción. Si no es posible se hace el reembolso.

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34 Valoraciones Verificadas

Equipo Humano:

Valoración Media Total

Cristina N. 53 años. BARCELONA (España) 22/08/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The therapists are very professional, with extensive experience in workshops. Close to Barcelona, just one hour away. Quiet place, you leave feeling refreshed. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The meals could be tastier, but when you're cooking for so many people it's not easy. Thanks for everything, Family. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Cristina, thank you very much for coming these days and for your opinion. We are going to try to improve everything you tell us, we have already raised it with those responsible for the house. Thank you. (Automatic translation)

Loreto B. 60 años. El Papiol (España) 11/08/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I loved it. I will definitely repeat it. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much, Loreto. It has been a pleasure to have you with us. We look forward to seeing you again whenever you want. (Automatic translation)

Nekane B. 37 años. San Sebastián (España) 14/07/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It has been the best experience of my entire life. The unsurpassed human quality and the incredible environment, accommodation and food. I have felt totally at home. Totally recommended. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much, Nekane, for everything you have also offered us in these days that you have been here. It has been a wonderful experience for both parties. A hug. Ramon (Automatic translation)

Ana C. 37 años. Premià de Mar (España) 07/07/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The chosen place could only bring peace. The best of all the group of wonderful women that I have had as companions and of course Marga, without her this would not have been half as intense, valuable, and healing. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The food at the accommodation, quite repetitive for such a short time there. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Ana, thank you for coming and for your evaluation of the retreat and for your words towards Marga, to whom I pass on your evaluation. We have a very professional and dedicated team of people, whose work is a passion and a way of living and understanding life. As for the food, I have already spoken with Pili so that there is more diversity. Thank you so much. Ramon (Automatic translation)

MARINA R. 42 años. BARCELONA (España) 07/07/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending this yoga retreat, and I can say without hesitation that it was a transformative and unique experience. From the moment I arrived, I was greeted by an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. I met wonderful people :-) The center is located in a stunning natural environment, surrounded by mountains and lush vegetation, which immediately sets the tone for an experience of disconnection and renewal. The program was excellent. Every day you can start with a yoga session or go for a walk, taking advantage of the fresh air. The different activity classes were led by highly qualified and attentive instructors. We have very deep talks. Food was another highlight. The chefs were also happy to accommodate any special dietary needs, which was an appreciated touch. In addition to yoga, the retreat offered a variety of complementary activities such as guided walks, meditation workshops and therapeutic massage sessions. These activities provided a perfect balance between movement and rest, and contributed significantly to my overall well-being. The retreat exceeded all my expectations. Not only did it allow me to deepen my yoga practice, but it also offered me a space to disconnect from daily stress and reconnect with myself and meet wonderful people. I recommend this retreat to anyone looking for a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and an opportunity to revitalize body and mind or to make friends :-) (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Marina, for recounting your experience in the days you were at the retreat. You are a lovely person, thank you very much for coming, a hug. Ramon (Automatic translation)

Ana Patricia T. 58 años. Jaca (España) 07/07/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The environment, the dynamics. Marga the best. We have learned and experienced a lot. It has helped us free ourselves from burdens, to love ourselves more. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The food is repetitive, although the staff is exquisite. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Ana for coming and for living the retreat as you have done. We will talk to the restaurant owner to improve the variety of meals. Thank you very much for your evaluation. (Automatic translation)

Maria carmen P. 61 años. Vilassar de mar (España) 30/06/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much for your review Mari Carmen. (Automatic translation)

Fernando L. 45 años. Viana (España) 09/06/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Fernando, it has been a pleasure meeting you. (Automatic translation)

Carmela T. 36 años. Barcelona (España) 31/03/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Dear Spiritual Retreat organizing team, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for having had the opportunity to participate in the spiritual retreat that took place this weekend. It has been a truly enriching experience that has left a deep mark on my heart and soul. During these days of retreat, I had the opportunity to disconnect from the outside world and connect with myself in a way I had never experienced before. Each activity, each talk, each moment of reflection, allowed me to deepen my spiritual path and discover new facets of my inner being. I want to express my gratitude to the entire organizing team for their dedication, commitment and love in the planning and execution of this event. Your passion for helping others on their spiritual journey was reflected in every detail of the retreat, from the selection of topics to the welcoming atmosphere that was created. I also want to thank all the facilitators and spiritual leaders who shared their wisdom and light with us during these days. His inspiring words and loving presence were instrumental in my personal and spiritual growth. Last but not least, I want to thank my fellow retreatants. Your positive energy, mutual support, and community spirit made this experience even more meaningful and special. I leave this retreat with a heart full of gratitude, a renewed soul, and a firm commitment to continue cultivating my spiritual connection in my daily life. This weekend has been a priceless gift that I will treasure forever in my heart. Thanks again for everything you have done. May the blessings of the universe always be with you. With appreciation and gratitude, Mel (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Mel, thank you very much for your words that give meaning to everything we do at the retreats, from planning to reading this wonderful message after your stay at the retreat. Thank you very much for expressing your experience here. A heartfelt hug like the one we gave each other when we said goodbye at the retreat. Ramon (Automatic translation)

SIlke M. 48 años. Madrid (España) 05/11/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

We were a small group which allowed us to live the retreat intensely, sharing personal experiences and emotions and learning from each other. In addition, Ramón has made sure that we were all comfortable and has planned the activities in a consensus with everyone, which has allowed us to share all the activities together and merge them, achieving a perfect balance between yoga and meditation activities and enjoying the nature learning from a beautiful environment. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much for your words of gratitude, it was a pleasure to have you among us these days. A great downfall. Ramon (Automatic translation)

Esther 45 años. Premià de Dalt (España) 24/09/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Mercè C. 56 años. Sitges (España) 31/08/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The human team is not invasive in the sense of pushing or pressuring you to do activities or get involved in them. There is authentic respect and cordiality. The activities themselves do not leave you indifferent. Being able to meet people, and see that we can be different in the way but deep down we desire and yearn for very similar things. The building, its surroundings and the space where the workshops are held. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The massage offers, it would be good to know them more in advance, even with some type of written document. Difficult to achieve due to the dynamics of day-to-day life, and also difficult to express it with the correct clarity, what we would improve is the time spent after dinner. , we would lengthen it to be able to have more feedback between everyone, in other words, we would clear the table later to continue talking even if later this means having to wash the dishes (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Mercé, thank you for coming and for your comments. It has been a pleasure having you here. Regarding the tables, we cannot change the removal of plates and other things from the table, but we can allow people to stay longer drinking the coffee or infusion. We will clarify the information that you can be at the table drinking coffee or infusions once the lunch or dinner has been removed. Thank you very much. (Automatic translation)

Neus A. 56 años. Sant Cugat (España) 23/07/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I have loved the workshops, the environment, the village, the food... But the most important thing is the tract and the professionalism of the whole team, from the first moment the fan feels at home. For another band, the flexibility at the time of fer the activities makes it all very easy. Thank you very much for everyone, we will see each other again!!!! (Automatic translation)

Maria Dolores S. 59 años. Barcelona (España) 12/07/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It is the right place to enjoy the sea and interior care. (Automatic translation)

CRISTINA T. 49 años. GIRONA (España) 09/07/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Magical, you feel in a Great Family. (Automatic translation)

Silvia O. 28 años. Madrid (España) 26/02/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

A mejorar

In the retreat information it said that the food was vegetarian but it was not. On the other hand, I think it would be good to spend more time outdoors, whenever the conditions allow it. The time for workshops and walks is a bit unbalanced. The rest, great. (Automatic translation)

Marc X. 51 años. Madrid (España) 15/01/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Ana Belén M. 36 años. Arganda del Rey (España) 15/01/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It was my first experience and I really liked everything, I would definitely repeat it. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The heating in general was cold, it is uncomfortable to shower, sleep and do activities in the cold. They should improve the heating. Idyllic setting for hotter months. (Automatic translation)

Alex H. 41 años. Barcelona (España) 07/01/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Cristina C. 48 años. Tarragona (España) 21/08/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Alicia B. 56 años. El Casar (España) 21/07/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Simply wonderful, the human team, the facilities that Ramón provides and organizes, the place, the saltwater pool that is so much appreciated in this heat, the care in the rich and abundant homemade food ... the very good, varied and free (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Maybe fix the floor a little more and place outside to practice yoga and other activities. The indoor room is perfect. (Automatic translation)

Nikki W. 48 años. Southampton (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 15/07/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Mireia J. 29 años. Blanes (España) 06/07/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It has exceeded expectations. I will repeat it without hesitation. Thank you so much for everything! (Automatic translation)

Luis Alfonso B. 55 años. Tomares (España) 11/06/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The human team and activities. The breakfasts and the attention of Ramón (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The rooms are very simple, the mattresses are bad. The food can be improved. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Luis, thank you very much for coming. We try that all the people who come feel comfortable and find here what they come to look for. We have checked the mattresses and especially the one in your room, so that they are all in perfect condition. As for the food, the degree of sarisfaciión is very high, but as you say, everything can be improved and therefore with cooking we are going to take even more care. Thank you for having shared a few days with us and that you continue walking and discovering trails, which you love. And if your path takes you there again, we will be delighted to have you with us again. A big hug. Ramon (Automatic translation)

Karolina B. 43 años. SAINT CLOUD (Francia) 30/04/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The receipt, the house (Automatic translation)

Elena F. 32 años. Arroyo De La Encomienda (España) 24/02/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Instructor Elsa is pure magic. It is an experience that I would repeat without hesitation. (Automatic translation)

Joaquim B. 41 años. Gandia (España) 14/09/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The cozy house, the team (hosts, guides and teachers) endearing. The excursions and the charming places (such as the beautiful coves for bathing, etc.). The activities, classes and workshops, very restorative, as well as the leisure, very entertaining and stimulating. The grounds of the house landscaped, with trees and lawns to enjoy the sessions in the open air. (The receptionists, moreover, are as friendly as they are attentive: recovering a lost object attests to this). (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

A young and fresh project, which offers us so much and good to choose from every day, does not work yet and is appreciated, like heavy precision machinery. (Automatic translation)

Raquel G. 52 años. Caldes d' Estrac (España) 08/09/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I liked it a lot, I felt at home, the spectacular activities and the team of 10 all very well organized and professional. I have charged batteries and I am leaving in peace, harmony and full of love. I will be back. I will be back. (Automatic translation)

MARIA M. 56 años. CABRILS (España) 20/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Carol L. 45 años. Abrera (Espeña) 15/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Catarina P. 42 años. Madrid (Spain) 15/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Excellent attention from Ramón and the entire team, in the management of the entire retreat, and in particular with regard to the multiple activities available. (Automatic translation)

Marta P. 36 años. Madrid (España) 12/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

There are so many details that I liked about this experience ... Among others, the freedom to choose what plan to do until the last moment, the variety of topics to choose from and the environment; But, above all, I have loved the love, humanity, sensitivity, affection and dedication with which the team of professionals who organize this project works (Ramón, THANK YOU!), as well as those who give the workshops (Emili, Andrea, Roger , THANK YOU!). I stayed for 8 days and, as time went by, I felt at home, creating a very special bond with some people on the team and with my colleagues, as well as with that place where you can breathe so much peace and harmony. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

It does not depend on the team responsible for this project, but it would be a pleasure to be able to return and meet a more friendly, respectful and less rigid hotel staff, to accompany us in the beautiful harmony in which we move around. In my particular case, it was worth with a smile and good words, whatever happened, so that they almost always treated me with kindness, but I witnessed how they were unlucky with other people ... (Automatic translation)

Silvia L. 44 años. Vilobí d'Onyar (Espanya) 12/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

the team, Andrea and Emili are lovely. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

too much food-themed stiffness. There is no possibility to change the menu, it is closed. And when there are so many days it gets tedious because you don't always like what's out there or because you want to be able to choose something different ... and also while on vacation. (Automatic translation)

Maria Natividad H. 60 años. Zaragoza (España) 12/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The environment is formidable, the farm with its gardens is wonderful, and the impressive team: Emili and Andrea, I have no words to describe their professional level and human category, I loved their yoga sessions, biodanza ... I liked it Much flexibility to be able to choose different activities, both retreat and others: visits to medieval villages, hiking on the beach, etc ... You could also go out if you wanted to a nearby environment with different chill out with music, shops, etc ... Another thing that I value a lot is Ramón's kindness, when he came to pick us up and take us to the AVE station, and having a single room with a bathroom, since few retreats offer you this possibility. Finally, note that I met very interesting people and that, overall, the overall experience is magnificent. I also went up in a balloon something that I wanted a long time ago, it was sensational. I recommend this retreat, you will have a great time and you will have very useful personal tools, thanks to meditation and yoga practices. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Maybe at meal times there were more options to choose from (in this time of COVID it could have been difficult to do it that way, I guess) (Automatic translation)

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