Encuéntrate en la relajación


Encuéntrate en la relajación

Encontrar tú ser interior en plena naturaleza

Esto es un retiro individual (una o máximo 2 personas)

Un encuentro inspirador, una charla con Thomas  para ampliar tu mente, corazón y percepción.

Tienes que conocerte a ti mismo y estar de acuerdo contigo mismo, para poder aceptar y disfrutar todas lo que ofrece el universo para ti.

Todo el universo está para servirte, pero tienes que saber qué es lo que realmente te gusta, qué te llama la atención, qué te emociona.

Para intentar detener el diálogo interior , tener un momento de descanso de nuestros pensamientos incesantes, sintonizarnos con una parte de nosotros mismos a la que normalmente no tenemos acceso, hay muchas formas: austeridades, silencio profundo, trabajo devocional, contemplación, culto, arte o exponerse a océanos, desiertos o altas montañas.

Nosotros hacemos esto mediante el coaching personal y sesión de trance. La mente se detiene y pasa del yo mismo al Yo Mismo . De ese contacto surgirán nuevos sentimientos, nuevas sensaciones, nuevas perspectivas y poco a poco irás percibiendo la vida de otra manera.

El mundo no cambiará, pero lo verás y vivirás de otra manera.

El retiro incluye una sesión de masaje balinés, thai aroma, quiromasaje, reflexoterapia, masaje facial, piedras volcánicas calientes, tok sen y curación con cuencos tibetanos con nuestra masajista. El masaje es de 1 hora 15 minutos.

9.4 / 10 Ver
¡Hay plazas libres!
Excelente 9.4
Ver 23 valoraciones
¡Hay plazas libres!
  • Duración
    3 días / 2 noches
    Idioma instrucción
    Español, Inglés, Alemán
  • Hora Llegada
    Hora Salida
  • Actividades
    • Charlas
    • Masaje
  • Nivel
    No se requiere
    Tamaño máx. grupo
  • Público
    Abierto a todos
  • Se aceptan mascotas
3 días / 2 noches


Selecciona fecha de inicio:
Fecha seleccionada:
24-09-20 al 24-09-20
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Selecciona habitación:
  • Privada
    1 395€ Precio total
  • Privada
    2 790€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    3 1185€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    4 1580€ Precio total

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Suma 395 Dharmas  (3.95€)  de descuento para tu próxima reserva


  • Maryna


    Masajista y curación chamánica

    Nacida en Ucrania, donde estudió literatura. Mas tarde pasó varios años en los Seychelles y Grecia, donde aumentó sus habilidades para ayudar a la gente. Desde que vive en España, ha ampliado sus conocimientos a través de estudios de diferentes técnicas de masaje y contactos con varios chamanes. Maryna también habla ucraniano y ruso.

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  • Thomas


    ¡No preguntes cómo, dí wow!

    Thomas ha estado activo durante más de 25 años como guía espiritual y durante 5 años ha estado ayudando a sus visitantes como hipnoterapeuta y terapeuta de trance. "No se trata de enseñar a alguien ni predicar a alguien se trata de llegar a alguien ".Para hacer esto, Thomas te pone en un profundo estado de trance meditativo para descansar un momento de tus pensamientos que nunca cesan y para sintonizarte con una parte de ti a la que normalmente no tienes acceso. Tu mente se detiene y pasas de ti mismo a Ti Mismo. Nuevos sentimientos, nuevas sensaciones, nuevas perspectivas surgirán de ese contacto y poco a poco percibirás la vida de una manera diferente. El mundo no cambiará, pero lo verás y lo vivirás de una manera diferente.

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¿Tienes alguna duda? Escríbenos


  • Casa Rural
  • Nuestra casa de huéspedes está situada en Quéntar, un pequeño pueblo en las faldas de Sierra Nevada, a unos 13 km de la ciudad de Granada. Este pueblo aún mantiene su típico ambiente rural andaluz. Todo el entorno, placitas y fuentes, nuestros mayores, animales como burros, bueyes y cabras invitan al descanso. En el centro de Quéntar se encuentra una iglesia del siglo XVI y una antigua mezquita. El pueblo está rodeado de olivos, almendros y cerezos. A 4 km de aquí se puede encontrar un lago artificial, donde se puede ir a nadar. También el pequeño arroyo Aguas Blancas que corre a lo largo del valle le ofrece algunos lugares agradables y refrescantes. Puede dar agradables paseos por el campo junto a Quéntar o incluso hacer una caminata más larga hasta los pueblos vecinos cercanos Tocón o Güejar Sierra. En invierno las montañas de los alrededores se cubren de nieve e incluso algunos días el pueblo desaparece bajo una blanca y silenciosa capa de nieve. Aquí puede encontrar varios pequeños bares, un restaurante, dos supermercados, farmacia y una oficina bancaria con cajero automático. La casa dispone de cinco habitaciones y tres pequeñas cabañas, una de ellas fuera del terreno en el pueblo. Hay un salón con estufa de leña, una cocina grande común, un área de jardín y piscina exterior (ésta última desde junio hasta septiembre). 

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Un almuerzo ovo-lacteo-vegetariano está incluido. Hay dos supermercados y dos bares/restaurantes en el pueblo. Disponemos de una cocina grande común.


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- Llegada por la tarde

- Encuentro y charla con Thomas

- Al siguiente día masaje y almuerzo

- El último día sesión de trance y almuerzo.

Lo que te vas a llevar

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  • Estar más relajado y vivo de lo que nunca has estado
  • Sentirse completamente seguro, bienvenido y cuidado
  • Regresa al bienestar espiritual y emocional con el que deseas vivir
  • Tendrás una experiencia de transformación que recordarás por el resto de tu vida
  • Autoreconocerte

El retiro incluye

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  • Alojamiento
  • Infusiones y tés en todo momento
  • Actividades descritas en el programa
  • Almuerzo Ovo-lacteo-vegetariano


  • Quéntar, Granada, Andalucía, España
    Montaña, Rodeado de naturaleza

Transporte Público

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Bus 395 desde Granada

Información adicional

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Es importante que solicites las fechas antes de reservar a través de pregunta para ver disponibilidad.

Política de Cancelación

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  • Si cancelas con más de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: Se canjea por un el CUPÓN INSPYRIA por el importe total del depósito.
  • Si cancelas con menos de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: El depósito se pierde.
  • El CUPÓN INSPYRIA es válido para reservar cualquier otra experiencia de Inspyria cuando tú quieras.

En caso que el retiro o evento se anule por fuerza mayor, se reembolsa la totalidad del depósito.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Quedan plazas libres?

Las plazas se asignan por orden de reserva. En cuanto llega tu reserva se confirma la plaza en unas horas.

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¿Cómo hago la reserva de esta experiencia?

Directamente haciendo clic en el botón de RESERVA, puedes pagar con tarjeta, por paypal o por transferencia. Te ofrecemos también la opción de pagar a plazos para tu comodidad. Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos por teléfono y tramitamos el pago con tarjeta de forma telefónica.

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¿Qué pasa si se cancela el retiro?

Como cualquier evento puede ocurrir que se tenga que cancelar. En este improbable caso te avisamos de inmediato e intentamos buscar otra opción. Si no es posible se hace el reembolso.

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23 Valoraciones Verificadas

Equipo Humano:

Valoración Media Total

Mónica T. 48 años. Alcobendas (España) 17/08/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Hello! I loved the humanity and the welcome I received from Thomas, Axel, Ana, and the calm and natural atmosphere of the house. It is a peaceful place to be with yourself and also, if you are interested, to be able to explore the area. The sessions with Thomas have seemed very enriching to me and I feel that I have received important messages for my life and my development as a human being. I am grateful and when I want to come to Granada or see you again, I will not hesitate to call you. A hug! (Automatic translation)

Daiana O. 41 años. Marbella (España) 26/05/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Fantastic retreat, physical, mental and spiritual healing. (Automatic translation)

Linda Carla O. 32 años. Paris (Francia) 15/04/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It is a GREAT experience that I highly recommend, especially if you are at a time in life where you feel a little lost. For me it was a great moment to reflect, a great opportunity to have time alone, to read, in a beautiful place, surrounded by nature. In terms of the cabin, it is private and comfortable, it makes you feel really connected with nature AND the staff, everyone is super friendly, both the organizers and the staff, all with good energy and good vibes. If the description catches your attention and you are open to the topics mentioned, I highly recommend it, I don't think you will regret it. I just want to thank all the organizers, it was really a great experience and I took away a lot of personal knowledge, and I go back to the routine with a clearer mind. (Automatic translation)

Juan Manuel F. 47 años. Torremolinos (España) 31/03/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Privileged place to disconnect. If you are looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, this is your place. I had never made any type of retreat and I swear to repeat it. The masseuse of 10, the host and the staff of the place were super friendly. You are not missing a detail. (Automatic translation)

Juan P. 57 años. Málaga (España) 15/01/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Relaxed atmosphere with the help of the team, absolutely recommended to spend some time disconnecting. Thank you for offering us so much good energy. (Automatic translation)

María del Valle T. 58 años. VALLADOLID (España) 28/09/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The sessions with Thomas have been enriching. Maryna's massage was wonderful. Lena's food was excellent and shared with Axel, Ana and Summer was even more delicious. All very nice people. I really liked the environment and my wooden cabin where you can be with yourself without interruptions. Outside the cabin I have had the opportunity to meet lovely people from various countries to share with. I really liked your book Efendi and the visit to Isidro. Thank you very much. If you come with an open mind, you may be pleasantly surprised. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The stairs go down from the pool area to the rooms and cabins. I think those made of stone and wood could be widened in some areas and have more filling. For some of us who are more clumsy it would help us. (Automatic translation)

Estefanía D. 26 años. HUELVA (España) 06/08/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It has been a unique and special experience, I return home with a fuller heart and seeing life from a different perspective. Both its people and the environment are full of incredible and beautiful stories. If you go with an open mind you will find what you are looking for in things as simple as looking at a landscape. I hope to return again one day. The beautiful place, the hypnosis sessions with Thomas have no words, it is better to live it than to tell it, its workers are wonderful people and full of joy. I wouldn't change every talk, laugh and walk with each one of them for anything, they are a family and they welcome you as one of the others. Thanks for everything! (Automatic translation)

Mamen G. 50 años. Granada (España) 04/08/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I would describe what I have lived these days with Thomas as a mundane and irreverent spirituality, which breaks the inherited mental schemes, and brings fresh air for the soul to breathe. The experience with hypnotic trance has been healing. I had never cried so much, nor felt such joy, serene and deep. My mind tells me: you've made it all up... My heart responds: and what else!!!!, I've enjoyed it so much, hahahahahaha. Thanks to the whole team, Lena, Axel, Ana and Lili, for making me feel at home. See you soon, we will meet again (Automatic translation)

Silvia M. 58 años. Granada (España) 16/10/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The overall experience. The talks with Tomas are spontaneous and open to what comes from within, with stories and examples. The passage with Axel, connected and helpful, the warmth and energy of Marina's massage. The environment, the cabin, gives freedom to contact other people or to isolate oneself. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The cabin is uncomfortable for a stay of several days. In general everything else is perfect as it is. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you for your visit. We have really enjoyed your stay with us. Waiting for a new visit. (Automatic translation)

Juan Carlos R. 33 años. Cordoba (España) 17/07/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Beatriz B. 42 años. Granada (España) 27/05/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Beatriz for your positive assessment. We also really liked your visit here (Automatic translation)

MANUEL D. 40 años. Cabo de gata (España) 23/04/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

In my opinion, it has been an enriching experience since not only are the sessions with Tomás, the trail with Axel, the yoga with María and the massage with Marina, but also on a social level with the other travelers in the hostel who come from different countries point everything as a whole is a great personal experience in which I am very satisfied with the personal service and how they have treated me. I was enthusiastic about the cabin where I slept and the facilities are beautiful and natural. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

I wouldn't even touch the deposition hammock and if something needs to be improved, it would be the weather, which was very cold. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Manuel for your visit. It has been very pleasant for all your stay here. We wish that your experiences here help you find what can benefit you in your life. (Automatic translation)

Aida L. 35 años. Málaga (España) 18/04/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Axel is a very nice person, always attentive to your well being. Maryna is charming and it really is the best massage I have ever received in my life, super complete! Very good hypnosis sessions. (Automatic translation)

Sofía V. 31 años. Madrid (España) 18/04/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Axel is very friendly and willing to help. Maryna's massages are awesome, I would add more of this to the experience. The hypnosis with Thomas was good, it is good to have a guide to navigate the subconscious (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The accommodation leaves much to be desired, I miss much more cleanliness and comfort. It was uncomfortable to sleep in one of the cabin beds with its skylight, sounds and terrible pillows. The kitchen was very messy, there was no space in the refrigerator, there was sometimes no oil or spices and quality utensils, we were not well prepared for this. It feels very much like a hostel and colleague environment, rather than guests who pay for a retreat. It lacks a bit of seriousness, better customer service, attention to detail, cleanliness, order and an itinerary with activities. Feeling that it is something more prepared and we are received to the experience. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you for your review. We will try to improve the site. Keep in mind that this is not a retreat to entertain people or please their egos. This retreat is spiritual, to find answers that will help you start the most appropriate path in your life. It is a serious thing. Your perception is yours. Looking at the other evaluations you will see that our visitors have perceived it differently. We hope it has helped you and over time you will feel how useful it has been for you. (Automatic translation)

Rebeca G. 38 años. Puerto Real (España) 15/02/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It has been a wonderful few days, both in terms of the environment of the hostel and the staff that runs it. The sessions and activities of the retreat have been a unique experience, you have to live it to understand it. I return with a more open and full heart. I have nothing but words of thanks. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Rebecca Your visit has made us very happy. Whenever you want, we are here for you. May each day be a blessing for you. (Automatic translation)

Cristina S. 31 años. MADRID (España) 30/12/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I think it is better to live this experience than to tell it. I can only say that the 395 euros that I have paid are not proportional to the treatment and the people that I have met during this retreat. Those who stay, many of them repeaters, describe this site as a welcoming, quiet place, where you can meet very interesting people or simply enjoy the solitude that the different corners of this site provide. All who run the lodge are generous, loving and helpful people. Axel solves any questions or problems you may have quickly and explains what you need with kindness and patience. Maryna, the masseuse, has a gift in her hands. Your massage, and I already told you personally, is the best massage I've ever had. Spend almost two hours using oriental techniques culminating with bathing gongs on your own body, for your chakras (I think) Master Thomas has managed, through hypnosis, to experience things that I have not felt before. If you really want to take advantage of this retreat, I recommend that you leave your conscience, your ego and your prejudices at home, to come with an open mind to what the space can offer you, the people who make it up and Thomas. It can be a great gift for you if you go with an open mind. But beyond all this, I have found in Thomas a great friend, who I wish will last in time, a host who has opened the doors of his house to me enjoying his food (which he personally made us every day) and his company, receiving a generosity from his hands that has surpassed me. In these five days you live in a humble cabin, you eat what Master Thomas prepares, you enjoy the people who stay in this place and you let yourself go in the hypnosis sessions, to work what you have come willing to work for. , discover or unlock by finishing balancing yourself with Maryna's massage. I am grateful for having had this experience. THANK YOU. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

That it can reach more people. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Well, what can we say about Cristina. She is a soul friend. He has already returned for several days, he sent his parents to hold sessions here. All this has completely changed her life and her mother thanked us for taking all the emotional weight off her. Here we are little girl, whenever you want. (Automatic translation)

Miguel Luis A. 55 años. Molina de Segura (España) 13/12/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It is very difficult to describe in words my experience lived in this retreat, since the discovery you make of yourself surprises you. Obviously all this is thanks to the human personnel that performs it as well as the environment in which you are. Humanly, I have nothing more than words of thanks and appreciation for Thomas, you can't imagine how it reaches your guts and takes out of you everything you don't know you keep inside. Thank you Thomas, thank you for sharing with me so many hours, so much knowledge, stories and help, thank you for that trip we made on Sunday where you introduced me to very surprising people and that I will carry them in me as well as You. Without a doubt we will see each other again, a Being like You cannot be forgotten. Thank you Axel, how great you are!!!, always making sure that we are well, comfortable, well fed, etc., also very deep conversations and always with a smile to cheer up your day. Thanks to the volunteers, who also contribute their grain of sand. Well, what about Maryna's massage! it is being touched by the hands of an angel, a set of sensations that you cannot explain, that you have to experience, in an environment that makes it only the world and you. Thank you all!!!! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Better late than never. Thank you very much for your visit. It has been very nice and we hope to see you again one day. (Automatic translation)

Sara D. 41 años. Mijas (España) 01/12/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Everything I experienced has given meaning to my experience and I would not change anything. All the people who shape what was lived (Axel, Thomas, Maryna ...) are fantastic and the truth is that, although it was without expectations (consciously), each day was a new, revealing and surprising experience internally and externally. It was my birthday gift and the truth is that I am glad to have given me the opportunity to meet you, get to know the place and get to know me better as well. THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING. Recommended 100% (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Sara for coming here. We've had a wonderful time together. What a nice, polite and loving person. Come back when you feel the need to. It will be a pleasure to have you here again (Automatic translation)

Blas R. 56 años. Murcia (España) 26/10/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

To thank all of you for the welcome I had and the good days that I spent in the retreat, its surroundings and that wonderful cabin that I felt like in a storybook house. Axel, you are very nice and attentive at all times, a good conversationalist and a therapist at the same time. To the volunteers who also make you feel involved and comfortable in the days I was there. Thanks to Maryna for that amazing, relaxing, warm and therapeutic massage. I have given myself many but the sensations, the relaxation and how good I felt, few have healing hands like yours. Thomas, thank you for all your support. For your conversations, your therapies, your book and thank you for introducing me to Isidro and his environment. Good experience. I know I have the doors open to return. A big hug. May your inner light guide your path. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Delighted to have received your visit Blas. The appreciation is mutual. Here we wait for you whenever you want. Be happy. (Automatic translation)

DAVID B. 46 años. Sevilla (España) 10/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

For me it has been an experience with a before and after in my life. A mix between nature, humility, camaraderie and large doses of myself. Starting with Axel, a great guy, helpful, practical, with that strange mix of German and Andalusian humor. I have never seen anyone eat as much and as fast as him and on top of that he is as thin as a bug ... hahaha. The kind Maryna, I did not share much with her, but the little time I was there I could feel a pure and hard sensitivity, beyond even her blessed healing hands, for a while in them I felt the luckiest man on the planet. to mention Natalia, another being of light that moves around, I have laughed and enjoyed her company a lot, working wherever there is and always making sure you are at ease. ... and of course, the host of everything, Thómas. One of the people with the most charisma and leadership skills I have ever met. A serious person with a sense of humor, a perfect balance between tough guy and extreme sensitivity. To be by his side listening to him, listening to his stories and looking into his eyes, that was a trance in itself. A wise man who insists on not stopping learning. His personality has impressed me, but hey, since I know he doesn't like so much praise, I'll have to say something negative ... Let's see; the lentils were bland and without sparkle. Once I ran out of toilet paper, thank God I had some clinex on hand. And I do not know if it is positive or negative, on the terrace of my cabin, every time I stood up, the olive tree gave me a capillary massage. Anyway, my true journey begins now, thanks for the tools 🔧 Something of me has stayed there, between them and the mountain, ... and I plan to visit again. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much David for your kind comment. It was a pleasure having you here. I don't have much time to write because you have to go to prune the olive tree, etc. Here we will be, God willing, in case one day you need to meet yourself again. (Automatic translation)

BENEDICTO F. 57 años. ALMERÍA (España) 21/02/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Benedict. Today I have seen that you can respond to your evaluations. Well thank you and happy days. Thomas (Automatic translation)

Monica E. 14/02/2020

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I don't really like to write reviews but since we were there, my husband and and we said to do it. It has been a vacation where we have recharged our batteries well and we have filled ourselves with a peculiar energy. During our stay we have felt super calm that we have not achieved even in a luxury resort, of course the experience here has been much more enriching. I wanted to thank Thomas for his therapy. Although I had been hypnosis before, the way he put me into a trance was very powerful and in the eyes of my skeptical husband hahaha! The massages, which unfortunately I have had to give many during my life, have been the best I have received. The Perico bar, very authentic and the owner a great person. I do not know how the stars are set but I give him many !! Axel super helpful !! All the very close experience feeling at home and with conversations with varied and interesting people We will return if they let us take a dog that was the only thing I missed (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

No (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hi Monica. Better late than never. Thank you very much for your nice comment. Next time if you can bring the dog. Happy morning thomas (Automatic translation)

José Manuel A. 14/02/2020

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Located in a picturesque mountain town, Fundalucía is a perfect enclave for the hypnosis, souldiving and inner child sessions offered by Thomas. During our days there, a strange sense of inner peace and serenity came over us. I consider myself (or considered) a person somewhat refractory to these things but I have to say that I fell into a trance quite easily thanks to the expertise of Thomas and I enjoyed a very interesting and enriching experience. I notice that something has changed in me. Axel and Thomas, in addition to being good hosts (they shared with us the fruits of their garden, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines and zucchini which were delicious), they are very good conversationalists, something not very common nowadays. Not to mention the fabulous massages that Maryna gives. Although the overnight facilities are somewhat spartan, the possibility of using the pool and kitchen is a plus and you can start a conversation with people from many different countries because the Mozarabic Way of Santiago passes through there or it is simply a good one. cheap accommodation option if you want to visit Granada. There are buses quite frequently and if you go by car it is 20 minutes. A highly recommended experience, we do not rule out returning on another occasion and getting to know the area better. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Any (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Jose Manuel. Better late than never. Thank you for your nice comment. We wish you happy days Thomas (Automatic translation)

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3 días / 2 noches


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