Conecta con tu energía

Conecta con tu energía

Retiro energético, para experimentar la energía en todos tus cuerpos

Experimenta con tus diferentes energías, experimentando diferentes técnicas y prácticas que te ayudan a activar y conectar con la energía de todos tus cuerpos, reconectándote con tu presencia y con la consciencia de tu interior, tu Ser, tu espiritualidad.

Siente las energías que te compenetran a través de tu aura y tus canales de energía dentro de tu cuerpo físico. Anímate a descubrir y experimentar tu esencia.

Además de limpiar y eliminar bloqueos y nudos energéticos que pueden obstaculizar tu desarrollo en todos los ámbitos de tu vida.

9.6 / 10 Ver
¡Hay plazas libres!
Excelente 9.6
Ver 19 valoraciones
¡Hay plazas libres!
  • Duración
    De 2 a 5 días
    Idioma instrucción
    Español, Inglés
  • Hora Llegada
    Hora Salida
  • Tipos de Yoga
    • Yin yoga
  • Tipos de Meditación
    • Chakra
    • En movimiento
    • Transcendental
    • Guiada
  • Actividades
    • Sesiones de meditación
    • Ejercicios de movimiento consciente
    • Terapias energéticas
  • Nivel
    No se requiere
    Tamaño máx. grupo
  • Público
    Abierto a todos
  • Se aceptan mascotas
De 2 a 5 días


Selecciona una fecha de inicio:
Fecha seleccionada:
Selecciona duración:
Selecciona participantes:
Selecciona habitación:
  • Privada
    1 420€ Precio total
  • Privada
    2 840€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    3 1260€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    4 1680€ Precio total

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  • Mejor precio garantizado
    • Si lo encuentras más barato, te devolvemos la diferencia
  • Reserva con total tranquilidad
  • Compromiso Inspyria

Para garantizar la protección de tus datos, garantías y pagos, confía siempre en Inspyria

Suma 420 Dharmas  (4.20€)  de descuento para tu próxima reserva


  • Susana



    Profesora de yoga desde hace mas de 20 años,terapeuta holística formada en Desbloqueo Integral Saama, Descodificación emocional, kinesiología, masajes, Biomagnetismo, Reiki, Terapia mística, esencias florales, Metodo Unidad Esencial, Radiónica y péndulo hebreo, Bioingeniería Cuántica, Sanación Akáshica y Desprogramación mental, LNT y Activación de la energía Kundalini. Imparte cursos de Testaje kinésico. Facilitadora de cursos y retiros de crecimiento personal, kundalini y detox.

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  • José



    Pepe Ñam, Chef y coach vegano y crudivegano, profesor de yoga, especialista en meditación budista.

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¿Tienes alguna duda? Escríbenos


  • Casa Rural
  • La casa tiene 2 plantas, la habitación para una o dos personas tiene unos 60 metros cuadrados. Y una pequeña sala para las terapias con camilla de masajes.El baño y salon es compartido. Tiene un bonito jardín y a 10 minutos está el Bosque de Secuoyas. Y a 15 minutos la playa y pueblo de Comillas, a 5 minutos mas el Parque Natural de Oyambre. A 10 minutos el Parque Natural Saja-Besaya, con sus preciosos bosques de hayas y robles. Y a 15 minutos San Vicente de la Barquera.

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Realizada por el Chef vegano y Coach nutricional, José Serrano. Cocina nutritiva, saludable, rica y vegetariana o vegana (como quieras)


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18:00 Llegada y acomodación
19:00  Acercamiento a tus necesidades y objetivos personalizados
21:00 Cena vegetariana
22:00 Meditación guiada
23:00 Descanso


8:30: Sesión de yoga, meditación y relajaciòn guiada
10:00: Desayuno saludable
11:00 Terapias energéticas
14:00 Comida vegetariana

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18:00 Llegada y acomodación
19:00  Acercamiento a tus necesidades y objetivos personalizados
21:00 Cena vegetariana
22:00 Meditación guiada
23:00 Descanso


8:30: Sesión de yoga, meditación y relajaciòn guiada
10:00: Desayuno saludable
11:00 Terapias energéticas
14:00 Comida vegetariana
15:00 Descanso
16;00 Paseo consciente en bosque mágico
18:00 Terapias energéticas
21:00 Cena vegetariana
22:30 Baño de sonido

8:30:Sesión de chikung
10:00h Desayuno saludable
11:00 Terapias energéticas
14:00 Comida vegetariana
15:30 Conclusiones y despedida. Fin del Retiro

16:00 Regálate un paseo por la playa de Parque Natural de Oyambre

***Terapias energéticas: LNT (La Nueva Terapia), Terapia Mística, Activación de la Energía Vital, Limpieza energética, Reiki, Meditación dinámica,...

Lo que te vas a llevar

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  • Regresa al bienestar espiritual y emocional con el que deseas vivir
  • Conéctate con lo profundo y lo real que hay en ti
  • Autoreconocerte
  • Amarte, valorarte, reconocerte
  • Compartir desde el corazón

El retiro incluye

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  • Pensión completa
  • Talleres
  • Fruta fresca y té durante el día
  • Actividades descritas en el programa
  • Terapias energéticas


  • Villanueva de la Peña, Cantabria, Cantabria, España
    Rodeado de naturaleza

Transporte Público

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Tren a la estación de Virgen de la Peña, desde Santander. Aeropuerto de Santander o Bilbao.

Política de Cancelación

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  • Si cancelas con más de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: Se canjea por un el CUPÓN INSPYRIA por el importe total del depósito.
  • Si cancelas con menos de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: El depósito se pierde.
  • El CUPÓN INSPYRIA es válido para reservar cualquier otra experiencia de Inspyria cuando tú quieras.

En caso que el retiro o evento se anule por fuerza mayor, se reembolsa la totalidad del depósito.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Quedan plazas libres?

Sí, quedan plazas. Se asignan las plazas por orden de reserva.

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¿Cómo hago la reserva de esta experiencia?

Directamente haciendo clic en el botón de RESERVA, puedes pagar con tarjeta, por paypal o por transferencia. Te ofrecemos también la opción de pagar a plazos para tu comodidad. Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos por teléfono y tramitamos el pago con tarjeta de forma telefónica.

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¿Qué pasa si se cancela el retiro?

Como cualquier evento puede ocurrir que se tenga que cancelar. En este improbable caso te avisamos de inmediato e intentamos buscar otra opción. Si no es posible se hace el reembolso.

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19 Valoraciones Verificadas

Equipo Humano:

Valoración Media Total

María del Mar G. 49 años. Bilbao (España) 30/08/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The therapies with Susana were enlightening and very professional. The discussions were very gradual and enjoyable. It was a great idea to spend a few days with them. I wanted to disconnect and I did. Delicious, healthy, light and nutrient-rich cuisine. Pepe is a true vegetarian and vegan chef. Looking forward to trying his bread workshops. He is very attentive to possible needs. The environment is calm and peaceful. I spent 3 days there. I give them a 10. (Automatic translation)

Ana Flora 52 años. Madrid (España) 18/08/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Everything, food, location, therapies, even the dog Rayo. A place where you feel supported and cared for. Unique (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much for your review Ana Flora, it was a pleasure to have you with us, enjoying learning to discover the Purpose and Mission of Life, something that for me is the most important thing in Life and I love to share it with all the souls who feel the call to discover it. We continue on the path... (Automatic translation)

Edurne A. 44 años. Vitoria (España) 16/08/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Everything very well organized and with a lot of flexibility (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Edurne, we were very comfortable with you, we are glad that you enjoyed and learned with our Detox Retreat, we are waiting for you whenever you want, a hug (Automatic translation)

David E. 35 años. Portugalete (España) 10/08/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Delighted with the experience. I left full of positive energy, which is what Susana and Pepe transmit. They have a very welcoming family. Pepe is a true vegan-vegetarian chef. The food is delicious! I would definitely repeat! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much David, for your choice to go inward with quantum kinesiology and self-inquiries, aimed at finding your purpose. We are very happy that it has helped you on your path of personal evolution. A big hug, see you later. (Automatic translation)

Elena C. 36 años. Palencia (España) 09/06/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

A very welcoming couple and a very nice house, my room was a beautiful attic! I was there from Friday afternoon to Sunday after lunch. The smoothies and juices are all delicious and not only do they make them for you but they teach you how to make them and teach you different ways so that you can do it at home, in addition to many things that I learned about healthy eating. A walk through a magical redwood forest that leaves you feeling like new, as well as yoga and meditation sessions make the stay a moment of rest, especially mental. Highly recommended if you want to take a break from your daily life. It helped me relax my mind and change my perspective a little. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Elena, it was a pleasure to have you with us, enjoying this time for yourself, stopping, resting, feeling, opening up, stretching and cleansing yourself from within with the semi-juice fast. A hug and see you soon. (Automatic translation)

Natalia G. 34 años. BILBAO (España) 03/03/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I liked it a lot, it was also just for me and not in a group, so it was very enriching, because it applied different therapies as needed and the food was exquisite, Susana and José are very kind and attentive. Thanks for everything. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Natalia, in fact it is a gift for you to retire individually, a personalized retreat tailored for each one. Thank you for your evaluation and good vibes. a hug and goodbye (Automatic translation)

Miriam P. 47 años. Vitoria (España) 04/02/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

An experience to get out of the routine, stop and become aware, in a familiar and welcoming environment. The food was great, healthy and made with love by Pepe, and the therapies with Susana were very healing and enriching. Thanks for the experience. A pleasure to have met you. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Miriam, we are very happy that you have valued and received the healing through the therapies and enjoyed our super nutritious and delicious food, a huge hug (Automatic translation)

Ana Isabel D. 64 años. Leon (España) 14/01/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Spend a weekend with Susana enjoying an Individual Retreat. Susana is a great professional and the therapies I received were spectacular, useful on a physical, emotional and mental level. There were many magical moments, Sound Bath, Walk through an enchanted redwood forest, meditations, yoga and an exquisite vegan meal. I will repeat. Thank you thank you thank you. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Everything has been perfect. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Ana Isabel, it has been a gift to have your presence, super committed to personal work, see you another time, a hug (Automatic translation)

Julia Y. 58 años. A Coruña (España) 08/12/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Color, heat and flavor!!!! A very concise summary of everything experienced in so few days/hours. The first thing perceived is the "warmth" of Susana, Pepe and Rayo (their little dog), the color that floods their surroundings, that of their home. Color in every small corner, the human heat they exhale and also that of the lit fireplace. All of this as an introduction gives clues, and all of them comforting, of what you will experience. Even so, expectations fell short, much was received. And the icing on the cake is in the flavor, in every moment, yes, around the table, the flavor of what Pepe makes. Always on time, always right. Yes, Susana, you are right, the wisdom in her kitchen should be known much more. As much as in your sessions with the disciplines that you have shown us. India is very present, the philosophy of life of that country too and they are there!!!, in a small town in Cantabria. A reset like I never imagined. Imagine, as an example, that they put the "all-inclusive" bracelet on you when you arrive and you ONLY have to be aware and enjoy, learn about yourself with an open mind, without worrying about anything else. Breathe, eat and be. Agustín (my partner) also felt that way. THANK YOU Susana, THANK YOU Pepe, very grateful. See you Bady! (my dog) came back rejuvenated hahaha. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Julia, Agustín and Bady!! We greatly appreciate your great review, so that it can help other people get an idea of us and our home. About our work and everything we share with the people who decide to live this great experience with us. It is difficult to explain but you have narrated your feelings very well with these pleasant words. Quite a gift for our Retreat to be so recognized, which comes from doing what we like and enjoying it. We are waiting for you when you want to repeat!! Or somewhere else along the way. A big hug (Automatic translation)

Angelica Patricia R. 51 años. Guriezo (España) 19/09/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

A great experience, that weekend I learned new techniques and connected with my Higher Self like never before. I also enjoyed the warmth of Susana's beautiful family who shared fabulous and deliciously vegetarian foods full of surprising flavors of nature. I will definitely repeat the experience with my partner and add my children, who know ancient techniques to heal the mind and soul. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

More spacious beds (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Angelica and Ariel, it was a pleasure to meet you and have you in our house, we appreciate your opinion, also coming from expert cooks like you. We hope to have you here again soon. Thank you for your evaluation, a huge hug. (Automatic translation)

Ana G. 51 años. Irun (España) 04/09/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Thank you for that energy cleansing that I needed like water in May. Thanks for introducing me to things like kombucha (I'm going to make it). Thank you for making me see that there is no way out of the maze if you get stuck in a corner, or wandering around familiar rooms but which you know lead nowhere. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Ana, a pleasure to have shared this Retreat with you. Everything was very easy with you, we hope to see you here soon. A huge hug and see you always. (Automatic translation)

Goizalde G. 54 años. Gernika-Lumo (España) 30/08/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

A very nice experience! From the first moment I have felt very comfortable and relaxed because Susana, Pepe and Auri have welcomed me with kindness and simplicity. Retreat has been a turning point in my life. Until next time! Goizalde (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Goizalde, it has been a pleasure having you with us, it has been as if we had known each other all our lives. With your openness you have been able to find what you were looking for, and it will be a great change in your life. A huge hug and see you again!! Suzanne (Automatic translation)

Natalia Z. 38 años. Madrid (España) 20/08/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Both Susana and Pepe are great teachers and hosts. I would have liked something more secluded and more outdoors. Spectacular food and classes too. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The truth is that nothing is in your hand. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Natalia, a pleasure to have shared all our skills with you, we hope to see you here again, a hug (Automatic translation)

Ainhoa C. 45 años. Irun (España) 18/06/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I felt like I was at the house of some friends, with complete confidence and a lot of love. As soon as I entered I felt at home, a cozy place, where you can breathe peace and tranquility with a large garden where I could enjoy outdoor meals and wonderful conversations. With respect to the therapies received, it has been an amazing and very comforting experience. I feel that it has given me, above all lightness, I feel freer, more unloaded, without so much weight at all levels. Also a lot of information that I didn't know and new lines to explore. I feel better... that it was very rusty and it is something that I have to include in my day to day, something that I have learned through Chi Kung and yoga. The food was excellent, not even in the best vegetarian restaurant had I eaten so well, all made with a lot of love and care, thanks to Pepe's magical hands. With your closeness you make everything simple and flow naturally. I would repeat delighted. Thank you very much, Susana and Pepe for this wonderful retreat, I couldn't have made a better choice!!! Ainhoa (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Ainhoa for choosing us for your individual Retreat. It has been a gift that you have come to enjoy these personal growth practices with us. We hope to see you here when you feel like it, a huge hug (Automatic translation)

Tatiana Isabel C. 29 años. Donostia (España) 05/06/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Susana and José are two wonderful people who offer many options to learn and enjoy the retreat, adapting the program to your tastes and needs. The food is delicious and organic, thanks to José's experience as a chef you can learn easy and interesting tricks and recipes for your day to day. Without a doubt it was a broad learning to care for both the soul and the body. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The retreat is offered in a quiet residential environment and the house has a very pleasant garden, although it could be improved by offering it in a more natural environment. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Tatiana, it has been a real pleasure to share this couple's retreat with you, we have been delighted with your participation in all the proposals and therapies that we have offered you, we hope to see you here whenever you want. We live in the town of Villanueva de la Peña, surrounded by meadows and paths to enjoy Nature. A hug (Automatic translation)

Roberto C. 50 años. Madrid (España) 21/05/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

An excellent experience! Verónica and Susana have been incredible guides; excellent and generous experts. The organization and the perfect program of activities. I have left with my batteries fully charged and many reflections and experiences that will always contribute to me. Thank you! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much, it has been a pleasure to have you in this Retreat, whenever you want we will be happy to share with you again, a big hug (Automatic translation)

Maialen D. 28 años. Baracaldo (España) 21/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much for your assessment, in effect we have taken note of the place, and the following retreats are being carried out in other spaces, where the accommodation is more spacious and the food is fantastic with a super quality vegan chef. A hug Maialen (Automatic translation)

Milia Z. 31 años. Durango (España) 21/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

An enriching retreat that I recommend. Analia and Susana created a space of harmony and trust where I could relax. With very interesting activities. Thanks! (Automatic translation)

Carlos Aurelio R. 52 años. Madrid (España) 21/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The impressive team Both Analia and Susana, both with honors (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Accommodation and food for upcoming events (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much for your assessment, in effect we have taken note of the place, and the following retreats are being carried out in other spaces, where the accommodation is more spacious and the food is fantastic with a super quality vegan chef. A hug Carlos Aurelio (Automatic translation)

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De 2 a 5 días


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Selecciona participantes:
Selecciona habitación:
  • Privada
    1 420€ Precio total
  • Privada
    2 840€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    3 1260€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    4 1680€ Precio total

Paga ahora

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  • Mejor precio garantizado
    • Si lo encuentras más barato, te devolvemos la diferencia
  • Reserva con total tranquilidad
  • Compromiso Inspyria

Para garantizar la protección de tus datos, garantías y pagos, confía siempre en Inspyria

Suma 420 Dharmas  (4.20€)  de descuento para tu próxima reserva

Regala esta experiencia

Inspyria: La Central de Reservas de Retiros

  • Tranquilidad: Experiencias Contrastadas y con Reseñas
  • Precio: Precio mínimo garantizado. Compromiso Inspyria
  • El ideal para ti: Escoge entre centenares de opciones
  • Flexibilidad: 1 año por si surgen imprevistos
  • Expertos: Somos usuarios de nuestros retiros
  • Cercanía: Te guiamos y orientamos
  • Pago fácil: Online, cómodo y seguro
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