Hecho a tu medida, no dudes y la Gran Vivencia la Meditación

Hecho a tu medida, no dudes y la Gran Vivencia la Meditación

Para ser feliz es imprescindible, comprender. Para ello, una de las mejores ayudas, es la Meditación

¿Tienes un inconveniente que no te deja vivir cómodo? ¿Has tenido un suceso que te conmovió? ¿No te sientes completamente feliz? ¿Sientes que te falta algo? ¿Padeces depresión o falta de interés? ¿Te has propuesto aprender a meditar? Si algo de esto te está pasando, este retiro es para ti, porque la experiencia y la vivencia hacen que este retiro conmigo, María Bilbao, sea la persona justa y adecuada para que puedas empezar a vivir de otra forma y te llevaras una experiencia única relacionada con la meditación

 Te escucharé, es lo primero que haré contigo y luego empezaremos a trabajar en tus futuros logros.

Para lograr ser feliz plenamente, uno de los propósitos de la vida, es básico comprender toda nuestra estructura. También doy conocimiento, de donde venimos, a donde vamos, que hacemos aquí. Sin conocimiento no hay felicidad plena.

La MEDITACIÓN, EN PARALELO AL CONOCIMIENTO abre un canal de fusión con esa fuerza universal que nos pertenece.

 Luego de esto vamos a adentrarnos en esa capacidad mental y perceptiva que tenemos que nos permita vislumbrar las cualidades que poseemos, en este momento de nuestra vida. De esta forma podremos comenzar a sentir la MEDITACIÓN, en el nivel en el que estamos. Se trata de enseñar una dinámica que esté encaminada a percibir y vivir la experiencia como realmente debe ser, sin técnicas escuetas, sin hacer ejercicios extraños, sin irnos por las ramas. Solo concentrándonos, como una lupa, en la llamada entrada en el silencio. Las posibilidades que ofrece esta enseñanza concreta de la MEDITACIÓN, son infinitas.

El camino lo debes continuar tu mismo...

Tienes que traer tu comida o lo necesario para hacerla aquí, tienes un apartamento a tu disposición, con cocina incluida para prepararte lo que quieras.

10 / 10 Ver
¡Hay plazas libres!
Excelente 10
Ver 40 valoraciones
¡Hay plazas libres!
  • Duración
    2 días / 1 noches
    Idioma instrucción
  • Hora Llegada
    Hora Salida
  • Tipos de Meditación
    • Guiada
  • Actividades
    • Charlas
    • Sesiones de meditación
    • Ejercicios de movimiento consciente
  • Nivel
    No se requiere
    Tamaño máx. grupo
  • Público
    Abierto a todos
  • Se aceptan mascotas
2 días / 1 noches


Selecciona fecha de inicio:
Fecha seleccionada:
21-11-21 al 21-11-21
Selecciona participantes:
Selecciona habitación:
  • Privada
    1 290€ Precio total
  • Compartida
    2 520€ Precio total

Paga ahora

  • Paga los 0€ restantes directamente en el retiro el 21 noviembre 2021
  • Canjeable por otras fechas hasta 10 días antes del retiro
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  • Mejor precio garantizado
    • Si lo encuentras más barato, te devolvemos la diferencia
  • Reserva con total tranquilidad
  • Compromiso Inspyria

Para garantizar la protección de tus datos, garantías y pagos, confía siempre en Inspyria

Suma 290 Dharmas  (2.90€)  de descuento para tu próxima reserva


  • María


    Soy esencialmente altruista.

    Soy María y me dedico, desde 1990, a la Educación Emocional de adolescentes y al estudio del ser humano en todas sus facetas. Puedes venir a mi casa los días que quieras pero te sugiero una estancia 2/3 días. En ese tiempo, mediante charlas, conversaciones, probablemente la práctica de ejercicios de atención plena y de respiración, siempre depende de cada pareja, podrás lograr ver la dificultad de la mejor forma que puedas imaginar. Para ser feliz hay que comprender la existencia "una". De esto también hablaremos y sobre la comprensión del propósito de la vida. Este es un aprendizaje intenso que te iniciará en el camino hacia la felicidad.

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¿Tienes alguna duda? Escríbenos


  • Casa Rural
  • La casa tiene un bonito jardín y a menos de 50 m la Sierra de la Cuenca Alta del Manzanares. Puedes ir andando hasta la Cascada del Covacho. Puede tocarte cualquier espacio de la casa, un apartamento independiente o un espacio dentro de la Casa Pipa, con baño privado y zonas comunes, dependerá de la ocupación del momento. Es un lugar espectacular y hay que decir también que tiene una vibración especial porque cuando entras lo percibes, dicho por nuestros huéspedes.

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Puedes traer tu propia comida si lo crees necesario. Tienes una cocina a tu disposición para prepararte lo que quieras. Si estás en habitación cuentas con un microondas, hervidor y nevera.


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Día 1
10:00h Recepción e instalación en el apartamento
10:15h Nos sentamos hablar, y mediante unas preguntas empezamos a desarrollar un vinculo que me permitirá conocerte. Y también empezaremos a adentrarnos en el conocimiento universal. Esta parte es fascinante, cada persona que ha estado en este…

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Día 1
10:00h Recepción e instalación en el apartamento
10:15h Nos sentamos hablar, y mediante unas preguntas empezamos a desarrollar un vinculo que me permitirá conocerte. Y también empezaremos a adentrarnos en el conocimiento universal. Esta parte es fascinante, cada persona que ha estado en este retiro lo ha experimentado. Conocer para poder ser feliz.
13:00h Aquí nos retiramos a comer.

16:00h Según veamos la evolución, todas las siguientes horas estarán dedicadas a ejercicios prácticos y en consecuencia podremos realizar el viaje astral.

18:00h Final del día.

Día 2
10hs   Nos metemos de lleno el el aprendizaje práctico de la meditación.

12.30 h Parar y comer.

16:00h Preguntas y respuestas. Uno de los rituales mas espectaculares con las gemas semi preciosas y te llevarás una de recuerdo de estos 2 días sorprendentes.

Lo que te vas a llevar

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  • Ser más fuerte mentalmente y encontrar la paz interior
  • Restaurar tu cuerpo, mente y alma
  • Regresa al bienestar espiritual y emocional con el que deseas vivir
  • Paz y tranquilidad para la mente, energía renovada para el cuerpo
  • Conéctate con lo profundo y lo real que hay en ti
  • Obtenga una base sólida para continuar su propia práctica
  • Meditar, amar, respirar, soltar
  • Amarte, valorarte, reconocerte
  • Conócete en todos tus aspectos, mental, emocional y físico

El retiro incluye

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  • Alojamiento
  • Infusiones y tés en todo momento


  • Collado Villalba, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
    Montaña, Bosque, Rodeado de naturaleza

Transporte Público

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El bus o el tren hasta Collado Villalba y allí os vamos a buscar.

Información adicional

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Tenemos vehículos para acercar a las personas desde un lugar no muy lejano.

Política de Cancelación

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  • Si cancelas con más de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: Se reprograman las fechas para que puedas asistir a este mismo retiro más adelante.
  • Si cancelas con menos de 10 días antes de la fecha de la inicio del retiro: El depósito se pierde.

En caso que el retiro o evento se anule por fuerza mayor, se reembolsa la totalidad del depósito.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Quedan plazas libres?

Sí, quedan plazas. Se asignan las plazas por orden de reserva.

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¿Cómo hago la reserva de esta experiencia?

Directamente haciendo clic en el botón de RESERVA, puedes pagar con tarjeta, por paypal o por transferencia. Te ofrecemos también la opción de pagar a plazos para tu comodidad. Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos por teléfono y tramitamos el pago con tarjeta de forma telefónica.

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¿Qué pasa si se cancela el retiro?

Como cualquier evento puede ocurrir que se tenga que cancelar. En este improbable caso te avisamos de inmediato e intentamos buscar otra opción. Si no es posible se hace el reembolso.

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40 Valoraciones Verificadas

Equipo Humano:

Valoración Media Total

Cecilia F. 35 años. Buenos Aires (Argentina) 27/03/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks Ceci. A hug (Automatic translation)

Ana V. 53 años. Madrid (España) 25/02/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I can only recommend this retreat. For me it has been very, very special. María is a person who reaches deep inside you. Thanks to her I am going to start the Path of knowledge and personal improvement... I have already started it, in fact. Your house is a place that transmits a lot of peace, in a wonderful enclave of nature. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Ana, thank you for your words. If I am sure of one thing, it is that you will never abandon that path. That makes me very happy today. You know, here I am. A big hug. (Automatic translation)

Luisana M. 36 años. Madrid (España) 28/01/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The silent retreat offers a transformative experience. Furthermore, everything lends itself to making her a pretty girl. María is a spectacular person who is full of love and patience to share. Without a doubt totally recommended. The accommodation is great, with all the comforts to make you feel at home. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you LuiSANA, it was a gift for me to meet you. Your intelligence has surprised me. You know, see you forever... Hugs. (Automatic translation)

Soco T. 58 años. Madrid (España) 17/01/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

María's totally personalized attention, guidance and knowledge that makes you walk towards where you need it most at all times. Mary is a being of light who guides and guides you at every step. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

How nice Soco, that we have both achieved this result, because it was a work of both of us. You have had a surprising opening and that is what makes you great. You are also a being of LIGHT, don't forget it. (Automatic translation)

Uriel K. 28 años. Madrid (España) 14/01/2024

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Excellent experience. From the pick-up at the train station to each talk/meeting with María. The space is very pleasant and pleasant. Connection also with nature and the outside environment. Maria provides a lot of knowledge in a genuine and authentic way. Recommended for anyone who wants to get to know themselves a little more and continue exploring new things. Once again, thank you very much! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Uriel for your words full of gratitude. I loved meeting you and you already know...see you forever. (Automatic translation)

Olga S. 54 años. Algorta (Getxo) (España) 11/12/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Thank you Maria for taking me to reconnect with me!!! :). (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

How happy I am, Olga. A hug. (Automatic translation)

Teresa G. 40 años. MADRID (España) 22/10/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I have felt clarity and serenity throughout the retreat. I have a lot of work ahead of me because I am aware of everything I have learned about myself. Maria has made me feel very comfortable. I recommend it to all those people who want to know their lights and shadows and need tools to obtain their best version. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Teresa for this beautiful feedback written from the heart. Here I am, see you forever. (Automatic translation)

Pedro S. 54 años. Madrid (España) 08/10/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I loved retreat, I couldn't leave happier. Maria is incredible, she puts all her energy, experience and knowledge to help you and inspire your path, she gives 120%. She is very empathetic and intuitive. Give the sessions the right rhythm and point. I have felt very good, I have enjoyed it, it has made me let go and open up... Very naturally and professionally, in equal parts. I feel like it has put me on the path. I'm thankful. Otherwise the accommodation is cozy, spacious and very comfortable. And the surroundings, beautiful (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

In all honesty, for me it has been perfect. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Aisss, Pedro, how beautiful you write. You have also put me on a path, the modification of this retreat, you have been the "emerging one", I am also grateful to have met you and for the inspiration. Big hug and see you soon. (Automatic translation)

Lucia M. 34 años. Madrid (España) 15/08/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Personally, for me, it has been a very revealing experience. You have to go with an open mind, lend yourself to tell your concerns and listen, María is very intuitive and will know how to guide you. I leave here enriched :) (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The previous visitors to the house left sweets in the freezer, that hindered me a bit the diet that I wanted to do these two days, but otherwise everything was great! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Lucia, your words make me happy. You know, here I am. A hug!!!! (Automatic translation)

Chus A. 50 años. Fuenlabrada (España) 30/07/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks Chus. (Automatic translation)

David M. 34 años. Humanes de Madrid (España) 30/06/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Exceptional! Maria is a wonderful human being, full of love, positivity, light, wisdom and experiences that make her know how to guide you at all times and detect what one should enhance and correct. I can only be grateful to her for everything. The house is exceptional, comfortable and clean in an idyllic setting. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you David, how nice what you give me back. For my part, I am convinced that you will defeat Goliath and when something like this starts to happen, I hope you will tell me about it. Because what happened to me during your stay at Casa Pipa was exceptional for me and you know it. A hug!!! (Automatic translation)

Ana T. 45 años. Madrid (España) 05/04/2023

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The time I have spent with Maria has been very interesting. The truth is that I didn't know what I was going to find and I came out with a lot of information to process and surprised at what was happening to me, something I needed to know because I was a bit lost. Maria is a very close and affectionate person. It's easy to open up to her. I look forward to putting everything you recommended to me into practice because I strongly believe in what you told me. Thank you very much Maria for everything and I hope I can tell you that I am happy and that I have achieved my goal. A big hug! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Ana!!! Thank you for your words, I am also grateful to you because you are a good "disciple" and everything is much easier. You have understood and that makes you different. Starting the path to happiness and being very clear about the goal is the most important thing. Never give up Ana, don't give up!!! and you know where to find me. A hug (Automatic translation)

Guillermo R. 52 años. Madrid (España) 23/10/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Brutal the power of Maria. Highly recommended. I take a lot of reflection, very interesting dialogues, and above all, a lot of personal work to continue advancing in my self-knowledge. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

All perfect. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Dear Guillermo, you don't always find souls so open to learning, when this happens, it is a pleasure to work and this is your case. The more openness, the more delivery. You will advance with a sure step and you will even be able to collaborate with other beings and that is enormously gratifying. Advance!!! William Avanti!!!!! (Automatic translation)

Amel F. 42 años. Madrid (España) 16/10/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks (Automatic translation)

Florencia L. 41 años. Madrid (España) 26/08/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

All! Maria is a special person. It is a love and radiates love. It helped me a lot to know and discover things about myself. He knows a lot about the subject. I was very moved. The place is beautiful to focus on oneself. Thank you very much Maria!!!! I loved it!!! (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Any! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Flor, you are also special. In this retreat we have both learned, I have also loved being with you. A big hug and you know pa'lante on the road. A hug. (Automatic translation)

Blanca P. 46 años. Madrid (España) 29/05/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I liked everything. Now, I don't think it's a retreat for just anyone, but for people in search, even if they are not very aware of it. María, as all the comments say, is a wonderful and loving woman. Mary is very Mother. She is careful with her words, looks and smiles. Maria feels, and what she feels is a lot of peace and love. But I insist, I would not recommend the Retreat to everyone. You have to search, listen, listen to yourself and be open or at least try. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

You cannot ask for improvements from someone who is there with all his heart, for you, with the absolute will to help you. When someone puts their whole heart, you can't ask for more. I feel very grateful. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hi Blanca, thank you very much. Also very grateful for your words. A hug (Automatic translation)

CECILIA P. 37 años. Madrid (España) 25/04/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks Cecilia, always remember, don't give up. A hug (Automatic translation)

Susana R. 46 años. Lleida (España) 22/03/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

A VERY positive assessment with a complex justification because it will depend a lot on your personal situation and the expectations placed on retreat. I consider that María is an extraordinary woman and a great communicator, capable of establishing truly amazing connections between events that you have experienced. It helps you understand. Along with other factors, it will help you get on your way. We all have the tools, we need to know how to use them properly, it only depends on you. That is how I have lived it. They have been very hospitable and attentive and the house is a cucada. Thank you! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much Susan. It has been a positive experience for both of us and the "amazing connections" thing, I loved it!!! You are a purebred Piscean. Pa´lante!!!! HIS! forward. Kisses (Automatic translation)

Raquel C. 43 años. Sestao (España) 13/03/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I liked that it is not a usual retreat, it is a weekend to deepen, to go to the essence of oneself. The warmth and honesty of Maria. I recommend this experience 100% if you are willing to see your dark and light parts. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Rachel for your words. I'm very happy to hear it. I really liked meeting you. A hug. (Automatic translation)

Alicia R. 27 años. Leganés (España) 04/02/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It has been an amazing experience. I had no expectations, I did not know what I was going to find. María is a person with whom you connect instantly upon meeting her, she knows how to see you and makes this trip easy, enjoyable and gives you overwhelming security. Thank you Maria for showing me the way, I hope that many people can meet you and know theirs thanks to you. I will never forget this experience that I know has marked a before and after in my life. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Alicia, a pleasure to have met you for my part and I really appreciate your words. Remember, never CEJES and here I am for any question. Big hug and kiss. (Automatic translation)

Marina R. 31 años. El palau d'anglesola (España) 27/01/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

My name is Marina, I am a psychologist and I have had the pleasure of being able to meet and share this retreat with María. Almost without asking, I signed up and went there without knowing anything. It was a unique experience. María is a wonderful person, who welcomes you with all her love and in an almost magical way, accompanies you towards that answer you are looking for. You will feel welcomed at all times, they pick you up at the station if necessary, you have your own space in the house and your spaces. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Marina, for this beautiful return. I am excited to know that in your life there is more light...it has been mutual. Whenever I receive a person I depend on their dedication and openness to this experience and you have had it, that is why we have been able to work together to achieve this result. A hug. : ) (Automatic translation)

Carlos C. 56 años. Rivas-Vaciamadrid (España) 16/01/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Respuesta Organizador

A hug. (Automatic translation)

Gonzalo G. 37 años. Madrid (España) 09/01/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

An unforgettable experience. Thank you, Maria, for showing me the way. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Gonzalo, thank you for your words. A big hug and forward, strength and WILL. (Automatic translation)

MISHEL RUBI R. 28 años. Leganes - Madrid (España) 04/01/2022

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Maria was that voice of calm that I needed in my life. Infinite thanks !!! 🙏🏻 (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Mishel, I love having been that voice in your life. You already know that for me, your retreat has also been that voice that should vibrate towards me. A big hug and "pa´lante" !!!!! (Automatic translation)

Lola D. 43 años. Madrid (España) 14/11/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I would not express it as like it or not. I would go further, I would say that it has been a brake on my life and a reconstruction from my own person. It has stirred my foundations towards a clarity of what I am looking for in life, that mental calm that restraint of emotions that sometimes interrupt your day to day. I have learned that the important thing in life is not the goal, but experiencing the journey and doing it from a calmed mind and positive emotions. Mary opens a way for you to find yourself, she teaches you to be able to do your job of listening to you, observing you and learning to love yourself as a whole in fusion with the universe. Maria is a spiritual guide, she will not do your job, that is up to you, but she will show you the way to put yourself in a position to find your happiness, if you have will and strength within you. It is a unique experience to return to value life and yourself. Mary is light and you will shine those days with her. I encourage you, I encourage you to do it, not because you need it because you are living a hard moment, but because even if it is not like that, it reminds you of the power of improvement and the power of being ... and that is a force that It will make you, with practices and the methodology that it teaches you, to shine with your own light and be happier and make those around you happier. Thank you Maria for everything you have reminded me of, because I have regained my strength and have entered a path towards the harmony of my mind and my body, both necessarily connected. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Any. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Lola, what you write and verbalize will remain engraved in my heart, because you also do it from yours. It gives me great joy to have been your guide and you know that I will continue to be when you need it. Here I am. Never give up and continue on the path that we envision together. Hugs, kisses and vibes. Be happy... (Automatic translation)

Carmen P. 42 años. Valladolid (España) 20/09/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The experience has been fabulous.It has given me tools to learn to know myself better and try to start meditation, something that I had wanted to do for a long time 100% recommended (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Carmen, I am very happy to have been the person to initiate you in Meditation. Remember that you must not give up, you must not give up. Practice creates habit after effort ceases to exist. A hug. (Automatic translation)

José Antonio C. 55 años. Alcalá de Henares (España) 11/09/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

María makes you feel comfortable from minute 0. A great person, with infinite patience to explain and a tremendous intuition that leads her to hit the nail on the head at all times. It has been a very fruitful retreat. And I'm not forgetting Ricardo, who is the one who welcomes you and shows you your accommodation. A highly recommended experience. Thank you so much for everything. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Many thanks José Antonio to you, for your words. The most interesting thing in life is that these encounters enrich each other. A big hug and AVANTI !!!! (Automatic translation)

Lilia N. 61 años. Alcobendas (España) 09/09/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The retreat is very effective. Maria is a guide, a teacher with great wisdom. personally helped me with my goal. Thanks 🥰 (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks Lilia. I send you a big hug and go ahead ... strength. Kisses. (Automatic translation)

Santiago G. 62 años. Madrid (España) 27/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It has been an experience above my expectations, from my truth in part, to recommend, thank you, thank you, thank you 🙂 🙏 💕 (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you Santiago, I must also thank you. I am rarely surprised by a person who comes to me and you have. A hug (Automatic translation)

Charo N. 53 años. Torrelodones (España) 24/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Maria, I take a lot more than I expected. Your energy will always be with me. Thank you so much for your great and kind heart. You are already part of my present. With love, Charo. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks to you because your energy also stayed in this space. You are also part of my present. (Automatic translation)

Marina C. 27 años. Alcorcon (España) 08/08/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

María is incredible, I did it with my best friend and she personalized everything necessary for each one of us. It has been a great experience to meet her and learn so much from her. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Marina, thank you and the meeting with both of you has been a great experience for me as well. When I asked you what you were coming for and you answered: "gain experience, knowledge" or something like that, I don't remember your exact words well ... and you stared at me, I was fascinated. Your answer touched my soul. Hugging at two. (Automatic translation)

BELEN C. 50 años. Las Rozas (España) 31/07/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

There are no words to define what Maria has made me see and feel in two days. It is like seeing life from another perspective, seeing the road and knowing how to walk it alone. I can only say THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks to you Belén, also from the heart. This is a round trip, make no doubt that I also get rich. A big hug and here I am. (Automatic translation)

Amaya A. 46 años. Madrid (España) 25/07/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Maria is a true knowledge, a person with very deep knowledge who has been able to guide me in all areas of my life. They have been two very intense days from which I have come out with very powerful learnings. (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

The experience has been perfect. Nothing to add. I would only suggest for future retreats, that a confidentiality commitment be signed like that of psychologists because the level of communication is even higher than in therapy. Although it is true that María generates a lot of confidence with her way of being, certain things are better to leave them in writing before the session. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thank you very much for your thanks and your words. It is very true what you say about what people put out in this intense retreat, that is exactly what it is about. There is no doubt that I have taken note of your suggestion because I would have no difficulty in making that confidentiality commitment if necessary or if they asked me to. I send you a big hug. (Automatic translation)

Ainoa C. 28 años. Barcelona (España) 04/07/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Valuing this experience through Maria's accompaniment is complicated, because words fall short. Maria is a fascinating person, who not only has a barbaric capacity for listening, she has also unconditionally helped me during these two days, and I have felt very comfortable and welcomed, both in her home and with her love and understanding. I felt very comfortable with her without feeling judged and above all understood. I go out with my giants but with my mill, and that would not have been possible without Maria. An intense weekend in a beautiful place with the best guide you can ask for and have. We will see each other again, Maria, I have no doubts about that. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hi, thanks for your words. I'm funny what you put in "I didn't like it", anyone would say that you haven't paid me, hahahaha. But what you mean is that you consider it little. I tell you again that it is a round trip. All who come to me, teach me. Here I am !!!, I send you a big hug from the heart, I was delighted to meet you. (Automatic translation)

Adriana C. 27 años. Madrid (España) 20/06/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

The experience with María at her home has been very enriching and welcoming. An immediate trust link is created where it gives rise to the knowledge of the problems and guidelines to solve them. It is intense but with rest breaks. In my case, and I think that in many others, the key to almost all problems is self-knowledge and I personally had not realized this until Maria made me see with her reasoning and knowledge that this is the case. I have loved meeting both her and Ricardo, I have been very comfortable and I am looking forward to continuing with the new guidelines and knowledge acquired. I hope we see each other soon. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks Adriana, we are also delighted to meet you. It happened to me to tell you that you have a name with an opening, it begins with "a" and ends with "a", that makes you a carrier, although it may not seem like it, of having a certain capacity to receive the truth. I am sure that, in one of those twists and turns that life has, we will meet. A hug. (Automatic translation)

Julieta F. 32 años. Fuenlabrada (España) 30/05/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

Well I have to say that I only have words of thanks for María Cristina. It has been a before and after in my life and it has helped me a lot. For me the best retreat in which it makes you open your eyes, and realize things that you could not see before. I recommend it 100%. Thank you very much M Cristina. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks to you Juliet. Your courage and your ability to act make me realize that, although gradually, you are going to persevere in the chosen path. Remember DO NOT EYEBROWS! Hugs. (Automatic translation)

Silvia M. 53 años. Madrid (España) 02/05/2021

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

It came to me as a gift from my family and it has been. One more step on the path of my personal growth. I have discovered and cleared shadows that limited this growth. All this worked with love and from love. Highly recommended and beneficial. (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks Silvia. The experience with you has been very beneficial for me as well. I send you a huge hug. (Automatic translation)

Sara O. 32 años. Madrid (España) 31/12/2020

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

This experience has been incredible. María guides you and helps you, dedicating two whole days to you, and all the activities and talks are tailored to you. It was my first retreat and it was exactly what I was looking for. If you are in a difficult time and need help, I think it may be the ideal retreat. Thanks Maria! (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks to you, Sara. Although it may seem incredible, any disciple always collaborates with the evolution of the teacher. I am convinced that all the talks we exchange will help you in your process. You are on the trail and that's cool. You already know, count on me for whatever you need. A hug!!! (Automatic translation)

Rocio C. 22/08/2020

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I must be grateful for the importance it had for me to have crossed the path with a great teacher. She was tormented and I left her house with very clear ideas. I have no words to describe how good I feel. A hug with all the affection of my being (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

No (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Thanks Rocío. And I tell you, from teacher to teacher, I was also delighted that you crossed my path. (Automatic translation)

Olga V. 24/04/2020

Valoración Media
Equipo Humano:

Me ha gustado

I have no words to describe everything I feel. I met you when I was very tormented and I left your house with several very clear things, the crudest at that moment it turned out to me to recognize that my main problem was me. But without realizing it, and the beauty of our meeting, is that I had started in a process that had no turning back and my rational mind would not let me "abandon myself" (it still does to this day); I kept fighting and you showed me that I was on the right track, even though at that moment I didn't even know I was on "the way." (Automatic translation)

A mejorar

Any (Automatic translation)

Respuesta Organizador

Hello Olga, thank you very much for your words. To have accompanied you in this beginning of a path, which, as you say, is no longer abandoned, is for me an enormous satisfaction. A hug. (Automatic translation)

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