3 Day Ayahuasca Retreat in Spain

3 Day Ayahuasca Retreat in Spain

Create your Masterplan and connect with your inner self through ayahuasca

Welcome to a transformative gateway nestled in the heart of Barcelona, where ancient wisdom meets modern seekers.

We offer a sanctuary for those yearning to explore the depths of their spirit through the sacred ritual of ayahuasca. Dive into a comprehensive experience that includes meditation, breathwork, holistic therapies, and energy cleansing, all designed to harmonize your physical, emotional, and spiritual layers. Join us this June to unlock profound self-knowledge and embark on your path to healing and enlightenment. Discover the power of ancestral plants and the wisdom they hold — your journey toward inner peace and emotional healing starts here.

Open to All
Not yet reviewed
Open to All
  • Duration
    3 days / 2 nights
    Instruction language
    Spanish, English
  • Arrival time
    Departure Time
  • Types of Meditation
    • Mindfulness
    • Guided
  • Activities
    • Talks
    • Meditation Sessions
    • Ayahuasca Ceremonies
    • Kambó Session Optional
    • Energetic Massage
    • Tarot Card Reading
  • Level
    None Required
    Max. group size
  • Appropriate for
    Open to All
  • Pet Friendly
3 days / 2 nights
New retreat


This retreat has no set datesThis retreat has no set dates

Select participants:
Select room:
  • 800€ Shared
    1 €800 Total Price
  • 800€ Private
    2 €1600 Total Price
  • 800€ Shared
    3 €2400 Total Price
  • 800€ Shared
    4 €3200 Total Price

Pay now

  • Can be used on other dates until 10 days before the retreat
Waiting list
  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

You can trust Inspyria! Your information is safe and secure with us.

Amount 800 Dharmas  (€8)  discount off your next reservation


  • Fransie

    I bring the traditions from the Jungle

    Soy Fransie, tengo 29 años, soy de un pueblo cercano a Barcelona. Combino el conocimiento de las plantas maestras con la meditación, respiración, y otras prácticas espirituales para ayudarte a crear tu plan maestro. De mente abierta, me gusta escuchar lo que todos tienen que decir sobre la espiritualidad y experimento y vivo lo que he aprendido a través de mis acciones diariamente. Me apasiona la sabiduría espiritual y ancestral que aprendí cuando comencé mi camino con la medicina de la ayahuasca en la tradición nativa colombiana. Soy curandero, he sido facilitador la mayoría de los retiros más conocidos de España en más de 50 ceremonias, he sido parte de cientos de procesos de curación, y a partir de esas experiencias descubrí que cada ser humano tiene un curandero adentro. La música es una gran parte de mí y comencé mi viaje musical desde muy joven. Toco muchos instrumentos y me encanta cantar canalizando el amor y la fuerza espiritual en cada canción de la ceremonia. He pasado por momentos difíciles en mi vida y renací a través de la Ayahuasca, la paciencia y el enfrentamiento con la verdad sobre mí mismo. Eso me dio mucha fuerza y comprensión sobre la vida humana y nuestras heridas y patrones me dieron una perspectiva y humildad que me ayuda a entender cada proceso. La Ayahuasca y otros chamanes rápidamente me pidieron que estuviera a su lado como guía, y he tenido la suerte de contar con algunos de los mejores mentores de los que he aprendido mucho. Mi misión en la vida es ser parte del cambio en este planeta del despertar de la humanidad; todos somos capaces de crear un mundo nuevo, nuestra realidad, somos seres verdaderamente mágicos y me inspiro cada vez que veo a alguien conectarse con su ser divino y su propia verdad.

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  • Country Home
  • At the heart of unspoiled nature lies our retreat home, a sanctuary designed for those seeking a pause from the relentless pace of everyday life. Framed by the breathtaking views of a natural park, our estate offers a unique and privileged escape. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of our extraordinary garden, where a saltwater pool reflects the clear skies, inviting you to a pure and rejuvenating experience. Every aspect of our retreat is crafted with exclusivity in mind, from modern amenities to thoughtful details that ensure your utmost comfort. Here, relaxation is not just promised; it is crafted into the very essence of your surroundings. From the moment you arrive, be prepared to be surprised by a range of services that cater to your every need in this peaceful haven. Our retreat house is not just a place to stay; it's a journey into serenity. It’s the perfect space for you to disconnect, delve into your depths, and emerge transformed, with a refreshed sense of self and purpose. Welcome to the ideal home for your journey of transformation and self-discovery. It is a mere one-hour drive from the bustling heart of Barcelona. With ample parking available for six cars, we've ensured that your arrival is as seamless as your stay. For those seeking a touch more convenience, we offer a bespoke collection service from Barcelona upon request.

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Our Menu is all plant based with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Our chef knows how to prepare food that is perfect for ayahuasca ceremonies. Eggs are also available in the diet if you are non vegan.


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Day 1

6:00 PM - Arrival and Warm Welcome: Meet your hosts, Samantha and Fransie, who will introduce you to the retreat’s serene rhythms and your transformative journey.

8:00 PM - Ceremony of Intentions and Breathwork: Set your intentions and dive deep into breathwork sessions that prepare you for the…

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Day 1

6:00 PM - Arrival and Warm Welcome: Meet your hosts, Samantha and Fransie, who will introduce you to the retreat’s serene rhythms and your transformative journey.

8:00 PM - Ceremony of Intentions and Breathwork: Set your intentions and dive deep into breathwork sessions that prepare you for the night's profound experiences.

9:00 PM - Rapé Ceremony and Ayahuasca Inauguration: Begin your transformative journey with the sacred Rapé followed by the revered Ayahuasca ceremony, leading into the early hours.

Day 2: Friday, July 5, 2024

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Nourishing Breakfast: Start your day with a wholesome, hearty breakfast.

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM - Group Integration and Guided Meditation: Reflect and connect within the group setting, guided by soothing meditation.

2:30 PM - Gourmet Plant-based Lunch: Enjoy a meal crafted by our chef, focused on vegan and vegetarian delights.

4:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Personal Healing Sessions: Indulge in a one-time healing massage and a tarot reading session, scheduled upon your arrival.*

7:30 PM - Sananga and Breathwork: Experience the cleansing power of Sananga coupled with breathwork.

8:00 PM - Nightly Rapé and Ayahuasca Ceremony: Continue your journey with another profound Ayahuasca ceremony.

Day 3: Saturday, July 6, 2024

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Energizing Breakfast: Gather strength with a morning feast.

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM - Group Insights and Meditation: Deepen your retreat insights through group sharing and meditation.

2:30 PM - Lunch Served with Love: Relish another beautifully prepared meal by our resident chef.

4:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Exclusive Personal Sessions: Engage in personal growth with scheduled massages and tarot readings.*

7:30 PM - Evening Breathwork: Prepare spiritually and mentally for the night’s session.

8:00 PM - Rapé Ceremony and Final Ayahuasca Ceremony: Embark on the ultimate ceremony, concluding with an energy cleansing session.

Day 4: Sunday, July 7, 2024

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Farewell Breakfast: Enjoy your final meal with new friends.

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM - Closing Integration and Live Music Ceremony: Seal your retreat experience with a heartfelt closure and live music.

3:00 PM - Last Meal and Leisure Time: Savor your final lunch and relax in our healing environment until departure at 6:00 PM.

* Each participant is entitled to one tarot reading session and one 30-minute massage session. The specific day and time for these sessions will be arranged upon your arrival at the retreat. This personalized scheduling ensures that your experience is seamlessly integrated into the flow of your transformative journey.

What you’ll take with you

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  • Freeing yourself from the onslaught of daily distractions
  • Being more relaxed and alive than you ever have been
  • Being stronger mentally and finding inner peace

The retreat includes

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  • Accommodation
  • Workshops
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Infusions and teas at any time
  • Activities described in the programme


  • Viladrau, Girona, Catalonia, Spain

Public Transportation

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There is a Bus station in Viladrau.

Cancellation Policy

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  • If you cancel more than 10 days before the retreat’s arrival date: The dates are rescheduled so you can attend that same retreat later.
  • If you cancel less than 10 days before the retreat’s start date: The deposit is lost.

If the retreat or event is cancelled due to a situation of force majeure, the full deposit is reimbursed.

Frequent Questions

Are there open spots?

It’s fully booked right now, but you can put your name on the waiting list and we’ll let you know if a spot opens up.

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How do I book this experience?

Directly by clicking on the RESERVATION button, you can pay by credit card, paypal or bank transfer. We also offer you the option of paying in instalments for your convenience. If you prefer, you can call us by phone and we will process the card payment over the phone.

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What if the retreat is cancelled?

As with any event, it may happen that it has to be cancelled. In this unlikely event, we will notify you immediately and try to find another option. If this is not possible, a refund will be made.

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3 days / 2 nights
New retreat


This retreat has no set datesThis retreat has no set dates

Select participants:
Select room:
  • 800€ Shared
    1 €800 Total Price
  • 800€ Private
    2 €1600 Total Price
  • 800€ Shared
    3 €2400 Total Price
  • 800€ Shared
    4 €3200 Total Price

Pay now

  • Can be used on other dates until 10 days before the retreat
Waiting list
  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

You can trust Inspyria! Your information is safe and secure with us.

Amount 800 Dharmas  (€8)  discount off your next reservation

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Inspyria: The Retreat Reservation Centre

  • Peace of mind: Reviewed and Verified Experiences
  • Pricing: Lowest price guaranteed. Inspyria Guarantee
  • What’s best for you: Choose between hundreds of options
  • Flexibility: 1 year for the unexpected
  • Expertise: We experience our own retreats
  • Available: We're here to guide and advise you
  • Pay with ease: Online, safe, and easy
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