3 días de Meditación Vipassana en Silencio en la naturaleza

3 días de Meditación Vipassana en Silencio en la naturaleza

A Transformative days

¿Sabías que el 95% de nuestras decisiones son inconscientes?

¿Te gustaría tomar decisiones más conscientes y cultivar la calma y la tranquilidad en tu vida?

¿Sientes la necesidad de encontrar mayor paz interior y practicar la atención plena?

En el Retiro de Meditación en Silencio de Fin de Semana “El Poder del Silencio” se ofrece una enseñanza muy especial sobre la meditación y el funcionamiento interno de nuestra mente en el idílico paraje de Rubinat, un lugar de amplios cielos y el silencio en donde nuestro corazón permanece en paz.

Este retiro te ofrece la oportunidad de tomar decisiones más conscientes y cultivar la calma y la tranquilidad en tu vida a través de practicar atención plena y calma mental. Podrás interiorizarla y encontrar paz y transformación interior durante el fin de semana.

Buda enseño sobre la existencia del sufrimiento, señalando como la insatisfacción y el deseo alimentan este ciclo de dolor.

Los textos budistas profundos que escucharemos estos días nos hablan del diálogo entre el bien y el mal que tiene lugar en nuestra propia mente y nos revelaran las diferentes trampas en que nos engaña haciéndonos creer que estamos pensando y actuando de una manera que realmente nos ayuda cuando en realidad, con demasiada frecuencia nos lleva por mal camino creando realidades y experiencias que nos causan dolor.

Estas enseñanzas nos ayudarán a desentrañar los argumentos seductores de nuestra propia mente para tener

Únete a esta experiencia de crecimiento personal y transformación interior.

Practicas Durante el Retiro:

Meditación consciente caminando

Meditación Atención plena y no reacción a las sensaciones

Observar, aceptar y reconocer las emociones internas

Fomentar la expresión de emociones de manera proactiva a través de Mejorar la relación que tienes contigo mismo y con la vida

Comprensión, gratitud y amabilidad

Al unirte a esta experiencia, te llevarás

· 3 días de retiro en un ambiente de calma, 6 horas de enseñanzas budistas, instrucciones para meditar, paseos la naturaleza y lo más importante… una experiencia transformadora que impactará positivamente tu vida.

y además..

· Desarrollo personal: Este retiro te ofrece la oportunidad de tomar decisiones más conscientes y cultivar la calma y la tranquilidad en tu vida.

· Encuentro de paz interior: Si sientes la necesidad de encontrar mayor paz interior y practicar la atención plena, este retiro es perfecto para ti. Te ofrece un espacio para sumergirte en el silencio y la meditación, permitiéndote explorar tu fuerza interior.

-Transformación y liberación: A través de las enseñanzas budistas, abordarás la realidad del sufrimiento y aprenderás cómo transformar tus pensamientos y liberarte del dolor. Este retiro te brinda la esperanza de que puedes cultivar la calma mental y la atención plena, encontrando paz interior y liberación del sufrimiento.

- Experiencia enriquecedora: Durante el retiro, tendrás la oportunidad de desconectarte del mundo exterior y sumergirte en un ambiente de calma privilegiado. Además de las enseñanzas budistas y las instrucciones para meditar, disfrutarás de paseos por la naturaleza y recibirás grandes ideas para tu vida.

9.8 / 10 View
Open to All
Excellent 9.8
See 4 reviews
Open to All
  • Duration
    3 days / 2 nights
    Instruction language
  • Arrival time
    Departure Time
  • Types of Yoga
  • Types of Meditation
    • Buddhist
    • Mindfulness
    • Vipassana
    • Guided
  • Activities
    • Talks
    • Meditation Sessions
  • Level
    Beginner, Intermediate
    Max. group size
  • Appropriate for
    Open to All
  • Pet Friendly
3 days / 2 nights
9.8 4 Reviews

From €300

Select a start date:
Selected date:
28-01-24 al 28-01-24
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Pay now

  • Pay the €0 when checking in on 28 January 2024
  • Can be used on other dates until 10 days before the retreat
Send question
  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

You can trust Inspyria! Your information is safe and secure with us.

Amount 300 Dharmas  (€3)  discount off your next reservation


  • Maria


    Camino con corazón

    Mother of a son. I live slowly, I cultivate my own organic garden and the chickens give us fresh eggs every day. I do not buy in any supermarket or in any global store, supporting small local businesses, a business without plastics, avoiding generating waste. I love to heat myself and cook with firewood, helping in this way in the electric consumption. I love living like this! My trajectory in the study and practice of yoga and Buddhist meditation dates back to the year 1,997 when the books of Theos Bernard and Sivananda fell into my hands, where the fascination for yoga filled my heart, thus discovering my vocation. During these years I have dedicated part of my life to human development, teaching classical yoga and Buddhist meditation as a means of connecting with the potential of each one, expanding the vision. Since then I have transmitted the teaching with honesty and rigor ensuring authentic yoga without interruption. My purpose is to provide people with the practical theoretical experience of yoga and meditation with the aim of being able to improve the relationship with oneself and in this way with others in relation to life without losing the essence of ancient teaching that has come to our days. - Trained with Clara Devi Llum as Master of Kuan Yin Reiki - Training Sadhana Barcelona with Arjuna, - 2006-2010 - Trained in Experiential Anatomy and Body Awareness with Ayako Sushi, great connoisseur of body movement 2006-2009 - Training of Tibetan Yoga of the Heart with Marta Moll and Isidro Gordi from 2007-2014 - Study and practice in Tibetan Buddhism from 2007 to 2014 with the Lay School of Buddhism.

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  • Country Home
  • El Refugi de Rubinat es una casa situada en el pueblo de Rubinat, un pueblo de 30 habitantes rodeado de campos y bosques, el silencio es infinito y contemplar la Via Láctea por la noche todo un privilegio. Un lugar en medio de lo que muchos llaman la nada, donde puedes reconectar contigo mismo. Dispone de 5 habitaciones -dos con cama de matrimonio, dos con dos camas individuales y una con una litera-; dos cuartos de baño, cocina equipada con zona de comedor y un salón comedor. Además, la casa cuenta con fibra òptica, calefacción con pellet y salida directa al exterior.

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We provide homemade food service if necessary. It is usually lacto-ovo vegetarian.


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• 18:00 Arrival and accommodation

• 19:00 Calm Mind and Mindfulness Instructions and Teachings

• 20:00 Dinner

• 21:30 Calm Mind Meditation


• 08:00 Calm Mind Meditation

• 09:00 Breakfast

• 10:00 Calm Mind Meditation

• 10:45 Break

• 11:00 Calm Mind Meditation


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• 18:00 Arrival and accommodation

• 19:00 Calm Mind and Mindfulness Instructions and Teachings

• 20:00 Dinner

• 21:30 Calm Mind Meditation


• 08:00 Calm Mind Meditation

• 09:00 Breakfast

• 10:00 Calm Mind Meditation

• 10:45 Break

• 11:00 Calm Mind Meditation

• 11:45 Break

• 12:00 Calm Mind Meditation

• 12:45 Break

• 13.00 Calm Mind Meditation

• 13.45 Break

• 14.00 Lunch

• 16:30 Walking meditation instructions

• 17:00 Walking meditation

• 17:45 Break

• 17:30 Calm Mind Meditation

• 18.15 Break

• 18:30 Instructions and teachings of Metta Bhavana

• 20:00 Dinner


• 08:00 Calm Mind Meditation and Metta Bhavana

• 09:00 Breakfast

• 10:00 Calm Mind Meditation and Metta Bhavana

• 10:45 Break

• 11:00 Calm Mind Meditation and Metta Bhavana

• 11:45 Break

• 12:00 Calm Mind Meditation and Metta Bhavana

• 12:45 Break

• 13.00 Walking Meditation

• 13.45 Break

• 14.00 Lunch

What you’ll take with you

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  • Switching off technology and experiencing the incredible feeling of being connected to yourself for a few days
  • Freeing yourself from the onslaught of daily distractions
  • A relaxing holiday in a beautiful location
  • Restoring your mind, body, and soul
  • Relieving stress and clearing your mind
  • Perfecting your technique, and pushing a bit further
  • Rediscovering yourself
  • Meditating, loving, breathing, releasing

The retreat includes

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  • Accommodation
  • Full board
  • Infusions and teas at any time
  • Fresh fruit and tea during the day
  • Activities described in the programme


  • Rubinat, Lérida, Catalonia, Spain
    Surrounded by Nature

Public Transportation

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Desde Barcelona: Desde la Estación Nord se puede coger el Bus con Alsa hasta Hostalets, el trayecto dura 1.5 horas.
En coche: A2 dirección Lérida desde Barcelona, la salida es la 526 Rubinat, Sant Antolí.
A2 Desde Lérida dirección Barcelona es la misma salida, la 526 Rubinat Sant Antolí.

Additional information

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Wear comfortable clothes for the practice, meditation cushion and mat

Cancellation Policy

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  • If you cancel more than 10 days before the retreat’s arrival date: The dates are rescheduled so you can attend that same retreat later.
  • If you cancel less than 10 days before the retreat’s start date: The deposit is lost.

If the retreat or event is cancelled due to a situation of force majeure, the full deposit is reimbursed.

Frequent Questions

Are there open spots?

Yes, space is available. Spots are assigned in reservation order.

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How do I book this experience?

Directly by clicking on the RESERVATION button, you can pay by credit card, paypal or bank transfer. We also offer you the option of paying in instalments for your convenience. If you prefer, you can call us by phone and we will process the card payment over the phone.

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What if the retreat is cancelled?

As with any event, it may happen that it has to be cancelled. In this unlikely event, we will notify you immediately and try to find another option. If this is not possible, a refund will be made.

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4 Verified Reviews

Human Team:
Value for money:

Average Rating Total

Patricia M. 33 years old. Amsterdam (Países Bajos) 12/11/2023

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

This retreat was very pleasant, deep, free of criticism, comfortable and very interesting for spiritual and mental growth. The teachings were introductory yet profound, with plenty of time to process and meditate. The retreat house was very peaceful, clean, well organized, with beautiful gardens to walk, meditate and relax. The food was homemade and very delicious. (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

Notify in advance that you cannot read or write in the retreat. (Automatic translation)

Pablo O. 39 years old. Madrid (España) 26/02/2023

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

The truth is that I did not have any expectations because I have no experience in meditation, I can honestly say that I feel differently after the retreat. I did not know that I could get control over my mind and through meditation I think I have made significant progress. Maria explains to us why it is so important to meditate and she does it very well. Many times we hear about meditation but we don't really understand the meaning and its usefulness. I deeply thank Maria for everything learned this weekend, I recommend everyone to take this retreat. 🙏🏼 (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

I really have nothing to improve, excellent cleaning, very good hospitality. All excellent! (Automatic translation)

Albert R. 34 years old. Tarrega (España) 31/07/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

Maria is an excellent instructor and a great hostess. The atmosphere and the space, it has been great. Perfect retreat to start meditation, but it is also perfect for people with experience, since María, with her experience, accompanies you in a comfortable and pleasant way for your progression. (Automatic translation)

Chavdar O. 39 years old. Barcelona (España) 31/07/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

Very happy with the retreat. It has been a great help to me to deepen in the matter of meditation. Thank you (Automatic translation)

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3 days / 2 nights
9.8 4 Reviews

From €300

Select a start date:
Selected date:
28-01-24 al 28-01-24
Select participants:
Select room:

Pay now

  • Pay the €0 when checking in on 28 January 2024
  • Can be used on other dates until 10 days before the retreat
Send question
  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

You can trust Inspyria! Your information is safe and secure with us.

Amount 300 Dharmas  (€3)  discount off your next reservation

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Inspyria: The Retreat Reservation Centre

  • Peace of mind: Reviewed and Verified Experiences
  • Pricing: Lowest price guaranteed. Inspyria Guarantee
  • What’s best for you: Choose between hundreds of options
  • Flexibility: 1 year for the unexpected
  • Expertise: We experience our own retreats
  • Available: We're here to guide and advise you
  • Pay with ease: Online, safe, and easy
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