4 Day Sacred Family: Constellations, Magic Mushroom Ceremony

4 Day Sacred Family: Constellations, Magic Mushroom Ceremony

2 day constellation, Golden Teacher Ceremony, Breathwork.

Sacred Family takes you on a profound journey centered around family, love, and the bonds that define us. This retreat delves deep into the hidden ties with your ancestors, systemic patterns, perinatal experiences, childhood memories, and all the crucial moments that have shaped your perception of love, kindness, self-esteem, attachment styles, and ego wounds. These influences impact your health, abundance, relationships, work, and overall life in invisible and unconscious ways.

From the moment you arrive, you will be immersed in activities aimed at grounding your spirit and opening your heart. The retreat begins with arrivals and registration, followed by an opening circle where intentions are set, creating a sacred space for the transformative journey ahead. The evening concludes with a family constellation preparation session, setting the stage for the deep work to come.

The following day is dedicated to core transformation. The morning starts with rejuvenating practices followed by breakfast. The day's workshops focus on the universal laws of love through family constellation techniques, uncovering hidden dynamics and entanglements within your family system. By becoming aware of these dynamics and finding resolutions, you can aspire to experience personal freedom and healthier relationships. The day culminates in the profound Golden Teacher Ceremony, fostering deep exploration and self-discovery.

Continuing the transformation, the next day includes psychotherapeutic integration sessions to help process and integrate the insights gained from the previous day's experiences. Workshops on specific topics using family constellation techniques provide further opportunities to address personal and familial issues. The day ends with a grounding breathwork session, helping to release emotional tension and foster a sense of inner peace.

The final day is focused on integration and closure. A mindful morning routine sets a reflective tone, followed by breakfast and the second psychotherapeutic integration session. The retreat concludes with a heartfelt closing and a cacao ceremony, accompanied by live music, symbolizing the integration of all the transformative work done during the retreat. A final lunch allows for reflection and connection with fellow participants, solidifying the sense of balance, peace, and harmony gained throughout the experience.

Sacred Family is transformative by design, offering a harmonious blend of introspection, emotional release, and personal growth. This retreat ensures you leave with a renewed sense of balance and a deeper understanding of yourself and the bonds that shape your life.

Open to All
Not yet reviewed
Open to All
  • Duration
    4 days / 3 nights
    Instruction language
    Spanish, English, Catalan, French
  • Arrival time
    Departure Time
  • Types of Yoga
  • Types of Meditation
    • Walking Meditation
    • Mindfulness
  • Activities
    • Talks
    • Meditation Sessions
    • 2-day Family Constellation workshops
    • Magic Mushroom Ceremony
    • Breathwork initiation
    • Microdosing Workshop
    • Closing Cacao Ceremony
    • 3 Morning yoga/Breath Stretch
    • Live Music during the ceremonies.
    • 2 Integration sessions
    • Sacred Tobacco ceremony
  • Level
    None Required
    Max. group size
  • Appropriate for
    Open to All
  • Pet Friendly
4 days / 3 nights
New retreat


€300 discount by booking before 12 Jul. 2024
Select a start date:
September 2024
Thursday 12
September 2024
Sunday 15
November 2024
Thursday 07
November 2024
Sunday 10
Select participants:
Select room:
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    1 €1299 €999 Total Price
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    2 €2598 €1998 Total Price
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    3 €3897 €2997 Total Price
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    4 €5196 €3996 Total Price

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  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

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Amount 999 Dharmas  (€9.99)  discount off your next reservation


  • Alecto


    Family Constellation Therapist

    Soy Alecto, una terapeuta experimentada, facilitadora y entrenadora especializada en Constelaciones Familiares y Sistémicas. Con más de 12 años de experiencia, mi formación de posgrado en Gestalt y mi dominio del Tarot me han dotado de una combinación única de conocimientos psicológicos e intuición. Soy experta en facilitar talleres, ceremonias, sesiones y círculos, basándome en mi amplia formación en Meditación, Terapia Asistida con Caballos, Psicomagia, chamanismo, Aikido y Danza. Actividades Actuales: Realizo sesiones de terapia, facilito talleres y círculos, dirijo ceremonias como la ceremonia de Temazcal, y ofrezco orientación y formación en áreas como la meditación y prácticas chamánicas. Además, continúo mi participación en diferentes centros y ubicaciones a nivel global, aportando mis habilidades y conocimientos a diversas comunidades que buscan crecimiento personal y sanación. Mi huella profesional abarca Chile, México, Ecuador, EE. UU., Costa Rica, España, Francia, Portugal, Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Croacia, Polonia, Rusia, Turquía, Georgia, Suiza y Grecia. Formación Académica Relacionada: Certificación en Constelaciones Familiares y Sistémicas. Estudios de posgrado en terapia Gestalt. Formación extensa en la práctica del Tarot. Certificación en Terapia Asistida con Caballos. Formación en técnicas de Psicomagia. Competencia en diversas prácticas chamánicas. Certificación en técnicas de Meditación.

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  • Cristina


    Wellness, Yoga and Medicine Woman

    En 2012, mientras residía en Australia, Cristina experimentó un período de ansiedad elevada, inquietud y una perspectiva incierta sobre el futuro. Estas emociones le impidieron disfrutar la vida al máximo. Sin embargo, a través de su descubrimiento del yoga y otras técnicas de atención plena, Cristina comenzó a reconocer la importancia de priorizar el autocuidado en la vida diaria. Este despertar la llevó a integrar hábitos que la transformaron en una persona más saludable, equipada con las herramientas para gestionar sus pensamientos y emociones en momentos desafiantes. Hoy, Cristina está ansiosa por compartir su viaje contigo, guiándote hacia una vida más serena, plena y vibrante, todo en solo cuatro semanas. Cristina es una instructora certificada de Hatha Yoga y facilitadora de procesos de autoconocimiento. Desde 2017, se ha dedicado a ayudar a personas como tú a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, ayudándote a recuperar el bienestar holístico, abordando tanto el cuerpo como la mente.

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  • Carlos


    Music Medicine 6 Singer

    Cantante de Medicina de la Música y parte de la banda Círculo Mágico

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  • Sasha


    Curandera - Doula - Breathwork Instructor

    Soy una guía a través de todas las etapas de la vida, como el nacimiento y la muerte, una guardiana de la Respiración Chamánica y una aliada de las plantas medicinales. Soy una mujer joven de origen colombiano. Crecí en Suiza, inmersa en estas dos culturas completamente diferentes. Como un puente entre ambas, he combinado el marco y el mundo de la sanación energética, que siempre ha estado presente en mi familia. Independiente y madre, siento la necesidad de crear y construir una vida que refleje mis valores. Mi práctica, tanto personal como profesional, combina las lecciones que he recibido de mi herencia cultural y las experiencias formativas de mi vida. Hoy, continúo transmitiendo y cerrando la brecha entre los mundos interno y externo, lo visible y lo invisible.

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  • Elian


    Breathwork Instructor

    Él ofrece experiencias poderosas e invita a las personas a conocerse a sí mismas y a trabajar en su propia sanación a través de la respiración. También practica con la medicina del tabaco en todas sus formas, sirviendo la planta para limpiar, consultar y sanar según sea necesario. Durante un largo viaje en Colombia, recibió permiso para aplicar Rapeh. Un magnetizador por naturaleza, trabaja mediante la imposición de manos y a distancia para calmar o eliminar dolores físicos. Graduado de SwissBreathwork en 2023 Trabajando con tabaco desde 2020 Practicando magnetismo desde 2018 Entrenador y coach desde 2019

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  • Ritshi

    Guide, Retreat Leader

    Una persona polifacética con una gran experiencia y conocimiento en los ámbitos del coaching, la sanación holística y la exploración espiritual. Su enfoque dinámico del crecimiento personal y la transformación ha empoderado a innumerables individuos a embarcarse en un profundo viaje de autodescubrimiento y despertar interior. Ritshi es un coach de vida holística, coach de microdosis y psicodélicos, y un facilitador de medicina de plantas que comprende de manera particular el trabajo transformador. Actividades Actuales Está comprometido en sesiones de coaching integral centradas en la vida, la espiritualidad y el desarrollo profesional dentro de un entorno de práctica privada. Realiza talleres enriquecedores y retiros transformadores, guiando a grupos a través de técnicas de meditación, respiración, coaching transgeneracional y la exploración de la nutrición holística. Participa activamente en la organización de conferencias y talleres centrados en el autocoaching, conceptos holísticos y la manifestación de propósitos de vida. Formación Académica Relacionada Ha recibido formación especializada con el renombrado coach Alan Seale en TPLC Transformational Presence Coaching, equipado con un extenso conjunto de herramientas para el pensamiento intuitivo, el coaching transformador y el liderazgo efectivo en el mundo dinámico de hoy. Experiencia en el trabajo con plantas sagradas desde 2017 y servicio como facilitador en varios retiros y talleres, mostrando una profunda comprensión de las técnicas de microdosis y la integración de experiencias psicodélicas. Diferentes formaciones en chamanismo fundamental y tamborileo chamánico de la Fundación Chamánica.

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  • Country Home
  • The retreat unfolds within a charming Mediterranean backdrop, offering an ideal environment to detach from your daily routine. The venue consists of a collection of 18th-century rural farmhouses, nestled in the hills of Penedès, Catalonia, Spain, enveloped by forests and vineyards. The venue is located 1-hour drive from Barcelona airport. The facilities include a yoga room, swimming pool, exquisite gardens, and a tennis court. Benefiting from 300 sun-filled days annually, the air is crisp, purified by the nearby pine forest. Finally, It is possible to extend your stay to enjoy the nature and the available activities.

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Allergy Options
Farm to Table

3 meals a day prepared by a chef gourmet, a delicious and beautifully presented dining experience.

Farm to table organic and locally sourced, drinks and fruits available at anytime of the day.


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Day 1: Opening & Grounding

16:00 Arrivals and Registration

18:00 Opening the circle and setting intentions

19:00 Sacred Tobacco Ceremony - Rapeh and Sananga.

21:00 Dinner

22:00 Live Music Medicine Concert

Day 2: Core transformation day

08:00 Morning Yoga finishing with an infusion of plants.


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Day 1: Opening & Grounding

16:00 Arrivals and Registration

18:00 Opening the circle and setting intentions

19:00 Sacred Tobacco Ceremony - Rapeh and Sananga.

21:00 Dinner

22:00 Live Music Medicine Concert

Day 2: Core transformation day

08:00 Morning Yoga finishing with an infusion of plants.

09:00 Breakfast

10:00 Workshop 1: The universal laws of love - Family Constellation 1

13:00 Lunch and free time.

16:00 Workshop 2: The universal laws of love - Family Constellation 2

20:00 Preparation for Ceremony

21:00 Golden teacher Ceremony

Day 3: Deep transformation.

08:00 Morning Yoga finishing with an infusion of plants.

09:00 Breakfast

10:00 Psychotherapeutic Integration 1

​12:00 Workshop: Inner child with family constellation

13:00 Lunch and free time.

16:00 Workshop: Emotional management

20:00 Breathwork Session for grounding

Day 4: Integration and Closing.

08:00 Morning Yoga finishing with an infusion of plants.

09:00 Breakfast

11:00 Psychotherapeutic Integration 2

12:00 Cacao ceremony with Live Music.

13:00 Closing & Lunch

What you’ll take with you

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  • Feeling entirely safe, welcome, and cared for
  • Relieving stress and clearing your mind
  • Connecting with yourself on a deeper and more authentic level
  • Growing stronger mentally and finding inner peace
  • Opening yourself up to feeling, experiencing, giving, and receiving
  • Rediscovering yourself
  • Meditating, loving, breathing, releasing
  • Loving, valuing, and recognising yourself

The retreat includes

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  • Accommodation
  • Workshops
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Infusions and teas at any time
  • Fresh fruit and tea during the day
  • Activities described in the programme


  • Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
    Mountain, Forest, Surrounded by Nature

Public Transportation

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1h drive from Barcelona Center or Barcelona Airport.
There is a shared shuttle we arrange via a 7 people Taxi so the share can be between 25€-35€ per trip.

Additional information

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Accommodation:​Option for a private double bedroom during the retreat for an extra 300€

Retreat language:
- We are fluent in English, French and Spanish and most interactions will be in your preferred language.
- During the integrations, we will use the language understood by the majority and we will translate when needed.
- The retreat is conducted in English, and a basic level is sufficient.

Cancellation Policy:
- Full refund if canceled 60 days before the retreat.
- After 60 days, the deposit is non-refundable.

Cancellation Policy

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  • If you cancel more than 30 days before the retreat’s arrival date: The entire deposit amount will be exchanged for an INSPYRIA VOUCHER.
  • If you cancel less than 30 days before the retreat’s start date: The deposit is lost.
  • The INSPYRIA VOUCHER is valid for reserving any other Inspyria experience whenever you want.

If the retreat or event is cancelled due to a situation of force majeure, the full deposit is reimbursed.

Frequent Questions

Are there open spots?

Yes, space is available. Spots are assigned in reservation order.

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How do I book this experience?

Directly by clicking on the RESERVATION button, you can pay by credit card, paypal or bank transfer. We also offer you the option of paying in instalments for your convenience. If you prefer, you can call us by phone and we will process the card payment over the phone.

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What if the retreat is cancelled?

As with any event, it may happen that it has to be cancelled. In this unlikely event, we will notify you immediately and try to find another option. If this is not possible, a refund will be made.

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4 days / 3 nights
New retreat


€300 discount by booking before 12 Jul. 2024
Select a start date:
September 2024
Thursday 12
September 2024
Sunday 15
November 2024
Thursday 07
November 2024
Sunday 10
Select participants:
Select room:
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    1 €1299 €999 Total Price
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    2 €2598 €1998 Total Price
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    3 €3897 €2997 Total Price
  • Flash Sale until July 12 Shared
    4 €5196 €3996 Total Price

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  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

You can trust Inspyria! Your information is safe and secure with us.

Amount 999 Dharmas  (€9.99)  discount off your next reservation

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  • Pricing: Lowest price guaranteed. Inspyria Guarantee
  • What’s best for you: Choose between hundreds of options
  • Flexibility: 1 year for the unexpected
  • Expertise: We experience our own retreats
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