Mujer Naturaleza


Mujer Naturaleza

Restaurando mi Cuerpo de Mujer, Habitando la Sexualidad Trascendental

𝐻𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑙𝑎 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑧𝑎 𝑒𝑛 𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜 𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑎 𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑎𝑙, 𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎 𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎

🤍Nos unimos Maria Catalina y Eva Carlasia para ofreceros un retiro en Berga, España donde restaurar el cuerpo de mujer y habitar la sexualidad trascendental


🍃En el abrazo sereno de la naturaleza te invitamos a un santuario de reconexión femenina. Sumérgete en la fluidez de tu feminidad y tu masculinidad, explorando las profundidades de tu ser con suavidad y elegancia. Despierta tus sentidos al palpitar de la tierra. Descubre con nosotras lo ancestral y lo trascendental en este viaje de autoconocimiento y sanación.

🍃Te invitamos a descubrir la belleza innata que reside en cada latido de tu corazón.

Que te llevarás:

    • Aumentar el placer, tu bienestar y plenitud en ti y en tus relaciones

    • Técnicas de purificación ancestralespara tu día a día

    • Liberación emocional y memorias-lazos Karmicos

    • Armonización Akashica

    • Oxigenar bloqueos físicos y energéticos, limpieza del aura

    • Re significar el cuerpo y tu sexualidad suscitando el equilibrio de polaridad

    • Aprender a equilibrar la energía femenina y masculina en tu cotidianidad

    • Potenciar el impulso de habilidades dones y talentos desde la armonía de tu femenino y tu masculino

    • Como restaurar tu biología rítmica volviendo a sincronizarte con los ritmos mayores.

    • Comprender las más comunes patologías que hoy vive la mujer desde una perceptiva psicobiologica.

    • Como restaurar las hormonas femeninas

    • Un viaje por el conocimiento de las plantas aliadas para la mujer

    • Aprender a alimentarte según el conocimiento de tus ciclos

El espacio está abierto para 36 mujeres dispuestas a transformar su vida a un nivel muy profundo.

Te esperamos con muchas ganas de acompañarte en tu camino♡

9.2 / 10 View
Women Only
Excellent 9.2
See 19 reviews
Women Only
  • Duration
    3 days / 2 nights
    Instruction language
  • Arrival time
    Departure Time
  • Types of Yoga
    • Hatha
    • Bhakti
  • Types of Meditation
    • Mantra
    • Transcendental
    • Guided
    • Advaita
  • Activities
    • Talks
    • Meditation Sessions
    • Yoga Sessions
    • Hiking
    • Forest Bathing
  • Level
    Max. group size
  • Appropriate for
    Women Only
  • Pet Friendly
3 days / 2 nights


Select a start date:
August 2024
Thursday 22
August 2024
Saturday 24
August 2024
Sunday 25
August 2024
Tuesday 27
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Pay now

  • Pay the €371 when checking in on 22 August 2024
  • For your peace of mind Flexible Reservation until 12/08/2024
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  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

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Amount 490 Dharmas  (€4.90)  discount off your next reservation


  • Maria


    Alchemist of herbs and plants

    Alchemist of herbs and plants. Accompanies the restoration of human health, psychobiological regeneration. It has a Natural Medicine pharmacy

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  • Eve


    "Que el amor nos haga" Sendero al Ser. Encarnar y Expandir la Shakti. La energía vital sexual

    She's a Tantra Instructor. International coach certified by the European Institute of Coaching, specializing in Conscious Leadership, Neurosciences, NLP, Master's in Emotional Intelligence at the Fundares School and Yoga and Meditation teacher. I invite you to rediscover the art of being and feeling and to show that ecstasy is expressed in the subtle, in the mixture of silence and in each of the moments that you vibrate I provide spaces, experiences, retreats to give rise to the opening of another reality, a new perspective on you, human relationships and vital energy Enhancing the active sensitivity, real listening, respect and honesty, from the art of feeling with yourself, with life and with others, softening intuition and what comes up. Giving space to the freedom to be who you are

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  • Country Home
  • Retreat farmhouse of great charm in the middle of forests and mountains.



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ovo lacteo vegetariana


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BIOLOGÍA EN LA MUJER, el trabajo consiste en que cada una sea capaz de tomar un conocimiento profundo respecto al cuerpo que habita, comprendiendo cómo el organismo se encuentra todo el tiempo sincronizando con los ritmos de la naturaleza, siendo esta íntima relación súper estrecha. De la adecuada…

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BIOLOGÍA EN LA MUJER, el trabajo consiste en que cada una sea capaz de tomar un conocimiento profundo respecto al cuerpo que habita, comprendiendo cómo el organismo se encuentra todo el tiempo sincronizando con los ritmos de la naturaleza, siendo esta íntima relación súper estrecha. De la adecuada sincronización entre la biología del cuerpo que habitamos y los ritmos de la naturaleza depende el equilibrio de nuestro sistema corporal. Nuestros ovarios actúan como un oscilador rítmico que responde a un reloj mayor circadiano ubicado en el núcleo del hipotálamo, un grupo neuronal formado por casi 50.000 neuronas. Te enseñaré cómo restaurar tu biologia rítmica volviendo a sincronizarte con los ritmos mayores. 

TRABAJO SOMÁTICO, una vez que comenzamos a mirar al cuerpo y empezamos este camino de regreso hacia el, hacia la restauracion biologica, podemos comprender que la desincronizacion en todo orden está íntimamente relacionada con nuestras experiencias internas-emocionales, y que recuperar la salud del cuerpo tiene más bien que ver con recuperar el estado de seguridad biológica, el darnos cuenta que estar en nuestros cuerpos es seguro y que por lo tanto podemos sentirnos tranquilas, reguladas, desinflamadas. La práctica somática es una llamada de vuelta hacia el cuerpo, hacia la intuición, hacia la autobservacion. Vamos a comprender cómo abordar la metodología de la autoindagación. Revisaremos cómo el estrés es el factor subyacente hacia la enfermedad en la mujer y comprender las más comunes patologías que hoy vive la mujer desde una perceptiva psicobiológica.

HORMONAS EN LA MUJER, estas sustancias maravillosas requieren una restauración urgente, para eso exploramos cuáles son estas hormonas, como se desequilibran y como nutrirlas tanto en la edad fértil como en la peri y en la menopausia. Revisaremos que altera su equilibrio y cómo renovar su flujo en el interior de nuestro cuerpo, y que ella se transformen en una voz sabia dentro de nosotras. 

PLANTAS ALIADAS para la mujer; conocimiento clave para despertar en nosotras el camino de la autocuración. Haremos un viaje por las plantas hermanas de la salud femenina. Elaboración de algunos remedios. Vaporizacion Yoni, Baños de asiento, barroterapia, cosecha de plantas, aceites esenciales para la mujer. 

MICRO Y MICRONUTRICION: sanar nuestra relación con la nutrición, aprender a alimentar el ciclo de la mujer según sus diferentes fases. Quiero transmitirte como aprender a entrar en contacto con tu cuerpo, a escuchar tu hambre y saciedad, a estar atenta a tus sensaciones más sutiles para entrar en contacto con el arte de nutrir de ti misma. 

MUJER MAMÍFERA-ANCESTRAL: La invitación mas profunda esta en volver a tomar contacto con nuestra humanidad, sin querer rehuir de ella a través, incluso, de la misma “espiritualidad” usándola como un bypass para desconectar de nosotras mismas. El proceso interior está en reconocer que en nuestra animalidad existe una espiritualidad profunda y cotidiana. Esto nos permite reconciliarnos con el cuerpo que habitamos, aprendiendo a estar en la presencia, sin divorciarnos de nuestra naturaleza mamífera, salvaje, cíclica y en constante mutación.

MUJER TRANSCENDENTALLa Sexualidad es un océano, un mar de posibilidades para conectar con el placer de estar viva. Implica conectar con la parte merecedora e involucrar la expansión energética para alquimizar procesos. Conectar con tu erotismo implica que todo de ti evoca la humano y lo divino a su vez, abriéndote a morir nacer y vivir a cada instante, produciéndose una expansión consciencial, la conexión con la compasión de ti misma y la apertura a la compasión del amor por la existencia de todos los seres que en la tierra habitan nos ofrecen una nueva mirada sobre como vivimos nuestra feminidad y nuestra masculinidad

SANACIÓN AKÁSHICA Este es una experiencia desde la evocación del Tantra Yoga-Akasha, Nos abrimos a las memorias ocultas del alma, los misterios desconocidos que aglutinan energía estancada, liberando las artes de amarnos y amar en plenitud habitando el erotismo, la energía vital-sexual que somos.

Un redescubrimiento para continuar el camino de tu esencia. Ven a derramar tu luz y tu sombra, a ser merecedora de tu expansivo potencial en grupo de mujeres, abrazando lo que el campo invisible nos abre


18h RECEPCIÓN de las participantes

19h PRESENTACIÓN del retiro y del grupo


Tantra-Yoga inspirada en la Devi Gita y purificación de 

muladhara, swadhsithana y manipura

21h Cena



El Yoga Tántrico nos lleva a encauzar, reorientar todas

 nuestras energías desde lo más burdo o denso a lo más sutil,

 exploramos mediante técnicas para alquimizar y trascender

 el caudal emocional y los samskaras que nos debilitan, 

liberando estancamientos innecesarios y patrones kármicos 

enquistados en nuestras memorias del transpersonal y transgeneracional 

9 30h Desayuno


 Como restaurar tu biologia rítmica volviendo a sincronizarte con los ritmos mayores. 


Dinámica de Chakrashadana

14 30h Comida


Revisaremos que altera su equilibrio y cómo renovar su flujo en 

el interior de nuestro cuerpo

y que ella se transformen en una voz sabia dentro de nosotras. 


El proceso interior está en reconocer que en nuestra animalidad 

existe una espiritualidad profunda y cotidiana. 

Esto nos permite reconciliarnos con el cuerpo que habitamos, aprendiendo 

a estar en la presencia, sin divorciarnos de nuestra 

naturaleza mamífera, salvaje, cíclica y en constante mutación.

La Sexualidad es un océano, un mar de posibilidades para conectar 

con el placer de estar viva.

 Implica conectar con la parte merecedora e involucrar

 la expansión energética para alquimizar procesos. 

Conectar con tu erotismo implica que todo de ti evoca la humano y lo divino a su vez



9 30h Desayuno


Este es una experiencia desde la evocación del Tantra Yoga-Akasha,

 Nos abrimos a las memorias ocultas del alma, los misterios 

desconocidos que aglutinan energía estancada, liberando las artes de amarnos 

y amar en plenitud habitando el erotismo, la energía vital-sexual que somos.


sanar nuestra relación con la nutrición, aprender a alimentar el ciclo de la mujer 

según sus diferentes fases. Quiero transmitirte como aprender

 a entrar en contacto con tu cuerpo

, a escuchar tu hambre y saciedad, a estar atenta a tus sensaciones

 más sutiles para entrar en contacto con el arte de nutrir de ti misma. 

14 30h Comida

Tiempo Libre


Restauración Biológica, recuperar la salud del cuerpo

 tiene más bien que ver con recuperar el estado de seguridad biológica


Una nueva mirada hacia la armonización de la energía femenina y masculina. 

Liberación de memorias kármicas sexuales y limpieza energética

20 30h Cena

22h Liberación de la voz y Meditación Sendero a la Calma



Encarnamos las cualidades de pureza, amor incondicional, compasión y sabiduría. 

a la mujer luminosa y trascendental. Habitando el magnetismo y la inspiración

9 30h Desayuno


 Conocimiento clave para despertar en nosotras el camino 

de la autocuración. Haremos un viaje por las plantas hermanas de la salud femenina. 

Elaboración de algunos remedios. 

Vaporizacion Yoni, Baños de asiento, barroterapia, 

cosecha de plantas, aceites esenciales para la mujer. 


Sublimación de la enregía sexual, bienestar y plenitud en ti y en tus relaciones. 

Sinergiando Humanidad y Divinidad

14 30h Comida

16 30h Seguimos el camino

What you’ll take with you

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  • Being more relaxed and alive than you ever have been
  • Feeling entirely safe, welcome, and cared for
  • Restoring your mind, body, and soul
  • Relieving stress and clearing your mind
  • Peace and tranquillity for your mind, rejuvenated energy for the body
  • Meditating, loving, breathing, releasing
  • Loving, valuing, and recognising yourself

The retreat includes

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  • Accommodation
  • Full board
  • Workshops
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Infusions and teas at any time
  • Activities described in the programme


  • L'Espunyola, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
    Mountain, Surrounded by Nature

Public Transportation

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se hará grupo para compartir vehículo

Cancellation Policy

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  • If you cancel more than 10 days before the retreat’s arrival date: The entire deposit amount will be exchanged for an INSPYRIA VOUCHER.
  • If you cancel less than 10 days before the retreat’s start date: The deposit is lost.
  • The INSPYRIA VOUCHER is valid for reserving any other Inspyria experience whenever you want.

If the retreat or event is cancelled due to a situation of force majeure, the full deposit is reimbursed.

Frequent Questions

Are there open spots?

Yes, space is available. Spots are assigned in reservation order.

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How do I book this experience?

Directly by clicking on the RESERVATION button, you can pay by credit card, paypal or bank transfer. We also offer you the option of paying in instalments for your convenience. If you prefer, you can call us by phone and we will process the card payment over the phone.

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What if the retreat is cancelled?

As with any event, it may happen that it has to be cancelled. In this unlikely event, we will notify you immediately and try to find another option. If this is not possible, a refund will be made.

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19 Verified Reviews

Human Team:
Value for money:

Average Rating Total

Ruben P. 52 years old. Girona (España) 08/04/2023

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

I recommend it to anyone who wants to share Love, as a couple or single in an idyllic setting and dynamics very well accompanied by this fun and endearing couple. (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Ruben, the pleasure was mutual. Thank you for your words and appreciation, it has been an incredible Holy Week of Demonstration that will remain in our memories. A big hug (Automatic translation)

Joaquim C. 62 years old. Sant Feliu de Codines (España) 08/04/2023

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

Organiser Response

Thank you Joaquín, a great pleasure to share this retreat with you. We hope to see you again soon! (Automatic translation)

Carme L. 48 years old. Tarragona (España) 01/01/2023

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

The house is very nice and clean, the surroundings are very cool, the attention is correct. (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

Food. It wasn't bad, but I needed more vegetables and protein. Chickpeas for dinner seemed too powerful to me. (Automatic translation)

Eduard M. 58 years old. Olèrdola (España) 01/01/2023

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

Ema S. 27 years old. Barcelona (España) 21/08/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

The activities were created with a lot of attention and love! (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

The food (breakfast especially) could vary a bit more with more vegan options. The rest has been perfect! (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Ema for your contribution and your assessment. Thank you for vibrating with us and sharing this beautiful experience. We hope to see you again soon! (Automatic translation)

Miquel C. 58 years old. Manresa (España) 17/04/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

For me, this retreat has been a very special journey of reconnection with the beauty and beauty that has emerged from within me. It has been a real gift to be able to share this space with a human group as unique as it is special. Eva and Paulino have been able to take us in an easy, friendly and fun way to the world of feeling through dynamic proposals with music, movement, dance and games. The dynamics with colleagues have generated an atmosphere of great trust, complicity and connection. I feel very grateful to Eva and Paulino for all the dynamics they have given us and because at all times they have been there, next to us, accompanying us, covering us and helping us to shed light on everything subtle that emerged. It has been a luxury to have participated in this meeting and to have interacted with such special colleagues. Eva and Paulino, thank you very much for having led this retreat with such professionalism and delicacy, with proposals as profound as they are fun, and for having generated an atmosphere of trust, openness and complicity between us. (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you very much for your feedback Michael. It flatters us and at the same time confirms us on our way, we learn together and we get feedback. Seeing your dedication and desire to delve into a transformative process, opening yourself up on safe steps, with respect and delicacy has been a very enriching experience. We hope that it is only the beginning of a great path of self-knowledge and openness towards a life of love that is closer to spirituality. See you soon, a big hug! (Automatic translation)

Roger G. 49 years old. Barcelona (España) 17/04/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

It has been a few very nice days of calm, learning and joy. Eva and Paulino are very close and attentive, they motivate and encourage, and always with a suitable soundtrack at every moment. Fantastic travel companions. The house, very new, with great rooms and an incredible environment. (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

An activity on the first day or night of presentation of the attendees, to whom we are less open, makes it easier for the rest to know us from the beginning. (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Roger, it has been a pleasure to share with you such a special retreat. Thank you for your comments. A big hug! (Automatic translation)

Arantxa C. 35 years old. Monreal (España) 17/04/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

It took me 4 days of delivery, listening, laughter, complicity looks and reconnection with my being. It has been a gift to have participated in this retreat, (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

I can't think of anything to improve. (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Arantxa! What a pleasure to share this experience with you and that you have constantly given us your beautiful smile. Thank you for resonating and coming from afar to experience it with us. Thank you for the dedication and the attitude of making the most of everything, delving into each activity. We hope to see you soon again! Thank you! (Automatic translation)

Maialen I. 33 years old. Zarautz (España) 17/04/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

Food (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

Fewer activities and more free time to enjoy the surroundings (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Maialen, it has been a pleasure having you on your first retreat. And may this experience serve you to continue delving into the path of self-knowledge and personal development. That it is not just a weekend outing but that we have planted a little seed for a fuller and more conscious relationship to grow. A big hug! (Automatic translation)

Andrea G. 25 years old. Mahon (España) 30/01/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

It has been a precious experience thanks to the 4 facilitators. Paulino is incredible putting on the best music to connect, Eva empowers us and takes us by the hand to teach us the path of tantra. Diego takes care of us both with nutrition and teaching us to breathe and Debi is incredible how she makes us connect with movement in yoga, besides hearing her sing is a gift 🥰 Thanks to the four of you for joining us and making this experience something so unique loving and beautiful. I am definitely looking forward to doing another retreat with you💜 (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you very much Andrea, it was a great gift to share this experience with you, your beautiful energy and dedication. We are delighted that you have enjoyed and made the most of this transformative retreat. Thank you for your beautiful comments. We hope to see you again soon! (Automatic translation)

Eva P. 39 years old. Barcelona (España) 30/01/2022

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

I liked everything, without disappointment :) It was my first retreat, I arrived somewhat shy, since I am not very extroverted, and the reception was already welcoming, they make you feel at home at all times, they are full of love and they transmit, in each act, in each conversation. The unbeatable place, I had never seen so many stars together, the delicious food, homemade and very original. The super complete and very emotional activities are intense to enrich you as a person. You leave the place full of energy and peace. I would definitely recommend it to everyone without exception. Thank you very much for everything. (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you very much Eva, it has been very beautiful to have you in this retreat. Your dedication to the process, your sensitivity and your presence. We are honored to be your first retreat and that it leaves this beautiful mark on you that hopefully becomes a beautiful path of spiritual awakening that brings fulfillment in your life. A big hug and we hope to see you again! (Automatic translation)

Laura F. 44 years old. Barcelona (España) 08/12/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

I was going to retreat without expectations. With a bit of resistance, since I did not know the organizers or the rest of the participants of the experience. From the first wasap of information I felt the love and dedication of Eva and Paulino. Kindness, agility, ease, presence ... The spectacular site and the facilities with everything you need. The food was very good, balanced, abundant and with a touch of love that was evident in how well it was digested and the vitality it provided! Vegetarian menu with gluten-free options for which, as in my case, we require it. The activities proposed by Eva and Paulino as well as their accompaniment are excellent .. At the rhythm and progression of the group. Thank you for a wonderful, ecstatic, liberating, healing and loving reunion. The companions also deserve a mention for the openness, love and light that each one contributed. I will repeat for sure. (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Laura for such a complete and beautiful description of the experience. A luxury to have you, thanks for the opening and delivery. It has been wonderful in every way, we hope to see you soon! (Automatic translation)

Kike V. 59 years old. BARCELONA (España) 08/12/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

Organiser Response

Thanks Kike, a pleasure to share this experience with you. See you soon! (Automatic translation)

Marola E. 49 years old. Alcoy (España) 08/12/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

An unforgettable experience where you will find yourself. I hope to repeat again🧡 (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thanks Marola, it was a pleasure meeting you. We hope to see you again soon! (Automatic translation)

Lluc V. 51 years old. Figaró Montmany (España) 23/10/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

That followed a group reduït. Això allowed the workshop to be easy in a trustworthy environment and to feel good about the people that he directed. (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

To say something, to be able to clarify the structure of the general program of the day. Tot i que potser ja is part of the climate that l'Eva i el Paulino will create. (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Lluc, it has been a pleasure to share such a beautiful, sensitive, sensual and wonderfully musical journey with you and the group. We have discovered in you a person with a lot to give, receive and support. We hope this has been just the beginning of a renewed life of conscious sexuality and that you continue to internalize yourself in tantra, which is a very beautiful path towards our potentiality of vital energy and harmony. Greetings (Automatic translation)

Jordi N. 50 years old. Terrassa (España) 22/08/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

It has served me, it has inspired me, I have enjoyed and learned, the team is close, a charm, the number of people is just enough to create unity and a group. Workshops where the interior moves a lot even without noticing or looking for it. (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

Door hinges that make a lot of noise (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Jordi for your evaluation. Thank you for your precise description and that it has served you and above all inspired what we want to happen. Yes, the interior has moved but as you say it was very sensitive and like a subtle caress, you don't notice it until you notice it and bang! For the next one we will ask them to put oil on the door hinges hahaha! That it is so important to sleep well with so much activity! A big hug and that you continue better than you left! (Automatic translation)

Josefa D. 49 years old. Vinaròs (España) 22/08/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

Especially Nanda and the two Marc (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thank you Josefa for your assessment. We have loved having you in this wonderful group and having shared such a beautiful and revitalizing retreat. Your process and change of attitude has been incredible throughout the days. We hope you take this experience like a diamond to integrate into your life. A big hug! (Automatic translation)

ESMERALDA C. 51 years old. SANT CLIMENT DE LLOBREGAT (España) 22/08/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

Organiser Response

Thank you Esmeralda for your assessment. We have lived some unforgettable days and your energy has been part of it. Hopefully the whole experience will continue to be integrated into your daily life. A big hug (Automatic translation)

Lidia . 42 years old. Barcelona (España) 25/07/2021

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

An unforgettable experience! I heartily recommend it. Eva and Paulino are wonderful and without a doubt, I will repeat (Automatic translation)

Organiser Response

Thanks Lidia. What a nice find to have found you. Live that intuition that brought you through this portal and you are so connected. See you soon, it will surely be repeated! (Automatic translation)

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3 days / 2 nights


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August 2024
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August 2024
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August 2024
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August 2024
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  • Pay the €371 when checking in on 22 August 2024
  • For your peace of mind Flexible Reservation until 12/08/2024
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    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
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Amount 490 Dharmas  (€4.90)  discount off your next reservation

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  • What’s best for you: Choose between hundreds of options
  • Flexibility: 1 year for the unexpected
  • Expertise: We experience our own retreats
  • Available: We're here to guide and advise you
  • Pay with ease: Online, safe, and easy
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