Formación Regular: "Caminar hacia el amor y la libertad"

Formación Regular: "Caminar hacia el amor y la libertad"

Recuperararemos nuestra capacidad de vivir des del amor

Los seres humanos venimos al mundo en estado de pura esencia, con todos los recursos. Pero el hecho de ser mortales nos hace vulnerables. Con tal de asegurar la supervivencia, el niñ@ se adapta a cualquier

cosa. Necesita asegurar el vínculo con la persona cuidadora (mamá, papá, etc.) necesita que lo amen y lo

cuiden, de lo contrario moriría. El niñ@ tiene una gran capacidad de percepción, con lo que capta muy

rápidamente, que es lo que es bien recibido y mal recibido para sus cuidadores. De esta manera va

aprendiendo a dejar su espontaneidad y autenticidad de lado, para adaptarse a lo que se espera de él. Se

va construyendo un personaje (coraza). Una coraza, que nos ayuda a sobrevivir en la infancia, pero que nos desconecta de quién somos en realidad. Cuando uno llega a la edad adulta, normalmente, ya se ha

identificado tanto con su propio personaje, que se cree que es eso. Ya no se acuerda de quién es en

realidad, y eso le provoca una constante insatisfacción. Esta incomodidad la tapa con compesaciones del

tipo: comprar no sé qué o distraerse con las redes o trabajar mucho o… Hasta que llega un momento en el

que se da cuenta que por más que perfeccione su personaje, por más “logros” que consiga, nunca se va a

sentir del todo pleno, siempre va a necesitar algo más… Puede que en algún momento intuya que la

plenitud no se encuentra fuera, sino dentro. Que para sentirse en paz consigo mismo tiene que recuperar su propia verdad, su autenticidad, su ser esencial. Entonces empieza el camino de regreso al corazón.

En este retiro pondremos el foco en tomar conciencia de qué personaje nos hemos construido, cómo

sostener el miedo que nos separa de nuestra esencia, cómo recuperar nuestra autenticidad, nuestra libertad y nuestra capacidad de vivir des del amor.

9.4 / 10 View
Open to All
Excellent 9.4
See 1 reviews
Open to All
  • Duration
    2 days / 1 nights
    Instruction language
  • Arrival time
    Departure Time
  • Types of Yoga
  • Types of Meditation
    • Walking Meditation
    • Guided
  • Activities
    • Mindful Movement Exercises
  • Level
    None Required
    Max. group size
  • Appropriate for
    Open to All
  • Pet Friendly
2 days / 1 nights
9.4 1 Review


Select a start date:
October 2024
Saturday 05
October 2024
Sunday 06
November 2024
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November 2024
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December 2024
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January 2025
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January 2025
Sunday 12
February 2025
Saturday 08
February 2025
Sunday 09
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  • Can be used on other dates until 10 days before the retreat
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  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

You can trust Inspyria! Your information is safe and secure with us.

Amount 282 Dharmas  (€2.82)  discount off your next reservation


  • Nuri


    Listen to what is in you now, go into the world with it, whatever it is, if it is true, it is pure beauty. For me, theater is giving voice to the soul.

    My fields of interest have always revolved around Dramatic Art and Personal Growth. Graduated in Fine Arts and Dramatic Art, I have also trained in Sensory Theatre, Coaching and Emotional Intelligence, Family Constellations, Tantra, Gestalt Therapy, Claudio Naranjo's SAT Program (Enneagram)... Codependency and I am still in full search and growth. My great passion is to accompany others to walk towards their essence through art. My job is one of the great blessings that life has given me. Accompanying another human being to be a little freer, happier, more complete... gives meaning to my existence. I feel that it is my contribution to the world, my gift.

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  • Country Home
  • We host people, families, groups, associations, entities and institutions that come to rest, to enjoy themselves, to commemorate goals or, very often, to work, that is, to form society. Hosting is welcoming, and that is what we do: we welcome you by putting our experience at your service. What we have always asked of those who have stayed in this house is with respect to human values, and, therefore, to the value of what people think and do. If not, you can't stay with us. And we have been proactive in hosting individuals and groups that due to their ideologies, values, life choices or simple circumstances have been silenced, hindered, marginalized or persecuted. We did it from the beginning and we will continue to do so. Life has brought us, above all, people who love and work to revolutionize. The capacity of the Plana is 100 people. Since 1986 we have grown an ideal space for many types of activities: therapeutic, corporal, artistic, contemplative, study, debate, research, convalescence and rest... La Plana offers you all the services and puts at your disposal an infrastructure designed to accommodate individuals and groups. The central building is a stone farmhouse from the 19th century, distributed over three floors. Each floor has about 200 m2. The house is enabled with kitchen and dining room services, bedrooms and living rooms. The exterior annexes have a total of 800 m2 and are intended for collective dormitories and work and activity rooms. The first work room has 80m2. The floor is stoneware and/or carpet. The walls are made of stone and the ceiling is made of wood. It has heating and stereo. The sound is excellent and the atmosphere has a timeless character. The second work room has 130 m2: The floor is parquet, with an electrical installation that allows you to play with lighting. It has heating and stereo and is very bright. The third work room has 75 m2.

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Not Vegetarian
Allergy Options
Farm to Table

Alimentación saludable y consciente


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9H45 Llegada y acomodación en alojamiento

10H00-10h30. Inicio del retiro. Meditación

10h30-11h30 Expresión corporal

11h30 - 14h30 Taller 1 sobre caminar hacia el amor y la libertad 

14h30-16h30 Comida

16h30-20H30 Taller 2 sobre caminar hacia el amor y la libertad 

20H30 - Cena


09H-10H00 Desayuno


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9H45 Llegada y acomodación en alojamiento

10H00-10h30. Inicio del retiro. Meditación

10h30-11h30 Expresión corporal

11h30 - 14h30 Taller 1 sobre caminar hacia el amor y la libertad 

14h30-16h30 Comida

16h30-20H30 Taller 2 sobre caminar hacia el amor y la libertad 

20H30 - Cena


09H-10H00 Desayuno

10h00-10h30 Meditación

10h30-11h30 Expresión corporal

11h30 - 14h30 Taller 3 sobre caminar hacia el amor y la libertad

14h30-16h30 Comida

16h30-19H00 Taller 4 sobre caminar hacia el amor y la libertad. Cierre del retiro

 HERRAMIENTAS: Teatro terapéutico, expresión corporal, meditación, tantra, constelaciones, etc...

What you’ll take with you

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  • Switching off technology and experiencing the incredible feeling of being connected to yourself for a few days
  • Connecting with yourself on a deeper and more authentic level
  • Laying a solid foundation to continue with your own practice
  • Opening yourself up to feeling, experiencing, giving, and receiving
  • Meditating, loving, breathing, releasing
  • Loving, valuing, and recognising yourself
  • Sharing from the heart
  • Meeting new, like-minded friends

The retreat includes

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  • Accommodation
  • Full board
  • Workshops
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Activities described in the programme


  • Santa Maria d'Oló, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
    Mountain, Forest, Surrounded by Nature

Public Transportation

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Organizamos coches para que todo el mundo pueda llegar.

Cancellation Policy

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  • If you cancel more than 10 days before the retreat’s arrival date: The dates are rescheduled so you can attend that same retreat later.
  • If you cancel less than 10 days before the retreat’s start date: The deposit is lost.

If the retreat or event is cancelled due to a situation of force majeure, the full deposit is reimbursed.

Frequent Questions

Are there open spots?

Spots are assigned in reservation order. When your reservation is received, it is confirmed within a few hours.

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How do I book this experience?

Directly by clicking on the RESERVATION button, you can pay by credit card, paypal or bank transfer. We also offer you the option of paying in instalments for your convenience. If you prefer, you can call us by phone and we will process the card payment over the phone.

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What if the retreat is cancelled?

As with any event, it may happen that it has to be cancelled. In this unlikely event, we will notify you immediately and try to find another option. If this is not possible, a refund will be made.

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1 Verified Review

Human Team:
Value for money:

Average Rating Total

HELENA I. 53 years old. Barcelona (España) 01/04/2024

Average Rating
Human Team:
Value for money:

What I liked

The facilitator, magnificent, so loving and coherent, committed to the proposed work of helping us go within. The theme is perfect, because it is a topic that concerns us all. The great place. It has been a very deep and transformative retreat, carried out in an excellent way. I took away a lot of learning, and gratitude. And good friends. (Automatic translation)

Could be improved

The room was massive and there was little access to showers, and a lot of smell from the bathroom throughout the room. Still, we didn't fill up and there was room for everyone. The thing is that I like to sleep alone because I sleep badly, but I have been able to sleep well and everything was fine. (Automatic translation)

2 days / 1 nights
9.4 1 Review


Select a start date:
October 2024
Saturday 05
October 2024
Sunday 06
November 2024
Saturday 09
November 2024
Sunday 10
December 2024
Saturday 14
December 2024
Sunday 15
January 2025
Saturday 11
January 2025
Sunday 12
February 2025
Saturday 08
February 2025
Sunday 09
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Pay now

  • Can be used on other dates until 10 days before the retreat
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  • Best price guaranteed
    • If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference
  • Book with total peace of mind
  • Inspyria Guarantee

You can trust Inspyria! Your information is safe and secure with us.

Amount 282 Dharmas  (€2.82)  discount off your next reservation

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Inspyria: The Retreat Reservation Centre

  • Peace of mind: Reviewed and Verified Experiences
  • Pricing: Lowest price guaranteed. Inspyria Guarantee
  • What’s best for you: Choose between hundreds of options
  • Flexibility: 1 year for the unexpected
  • Expertise: We experience our own retreats
  • Available: We're here to guide and advise you
  • Pay with ease: Online, safe, and easy
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