5 Reasons for going on a Yoga and Meditation retreat

by Gonzalo  07-08-2019

Have you ever wondered if attending a Yoga and Meditation retreat was really for you? Even if you have never practiced these wellbeing disciplines before, today I share with you 5 reasons to encourage you to take part in one of the best experiences of personal growth in your life.

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5 Reasons for going on a Yoga and Meditation retreat

1. Yoga and meditation: quality time for you

Many times people confuse vacations with retreat experiences. The truth is there is a huge difference. On holidays, besides resting we use our time for leisure (which is super healthy and recommended), but your mind is still functioning at a certain rhythm of constant activity: planning the day, doing activities, visiting recommended places in the city, maybe attending cultural events and especially having fun of course.

That?s what vacations are for. However, in a retreat you give yourself time to just withdraw from your busy life full of responsibilities and look inward, regenerate the body, release the tensions accumulated in the mind during the year and connect with your essence. Most yoga and meditation retreats offer you going to a place which has been carefully prepared for your senses to rest. You feel that you recover your vitality and energy.

This time is really invaluable for you, it is a true quality time where more than ?doing? you are invited to ?Be?. This time with yourself invites you to look inwards, rediscover yourself and even find internal answers that you have long been looking for. The best retreats will guide you to a conscious look to deepen in your inner truth, gain clarity and well-being.  

2. Deepening in your yoga and meditation practice

Even for people who have been practising yoga and meditation for a while, the truth is that many times it is difficult during the class to explore and further into certain interesting topics of the practice that could help you reach new personal levels.

In a yoga and meditation retreat you have the possibility to learn and delve into the techniques that you usually practice, understand them better and integrate them into your daily routines.

Undoubtedly, in a retreat you have the possibility of considerably improving your practice, being able to receive advice from your teachers that will help you progress significantly on your path towards self-knowledge and well-being.

3. Meet people and new friends like you

An habitual thought amongst people who have never attended a yoga and meditation retreat, is the fear of going alone and not knowing anyone. It may surprise you but the truth is that most people who come to the retreats do so alone. And the beauty of this is that you will meet other participants like you, with interests very similar to yours. You will feel nourished from their experiences and stories and they will surely learn from you and your stories.

It is impressive to see how genuine and lasting bonds of friendship are born only in a weekend or a week of living together a retreat experience. When the topics of the retreats are clear, it is certain that you will meet people with similar interest to you.

You will be pleasantly surprised at how good the adventure feels of attending a retreat alone. Go for it! It is an opportunity to expand your social circle with valuable people.

4. You will learn more than you expected

Nowadays there is a huge range of proposals for Meditation and Yoga retreats all around the world! In addition to deepening into your practice and meeting special people like you, retreats usually offer other personal growth, healing and wellness workshops that will give you valuable knowledge and experiences to incorporate into your daily life.

From Ayurveda workshops, coaching, gong baths to preparing food together. You always learn something new and, outside the workshops, in conversations during breaks for example, there are deep and enriching talks that you will always remember with love.

5. Because you deserve it

 In a society conditioned to leave oneself for last and ?give it all? for others, we have forgotten to take care and dedicate a special time to the most important person: Yourself. I have discovered that the most successful and generous people I know are aware of how valuable they are and how important it is to dedicate themselves a time of care and well-being. And if you think about it, it makes sense!

How to convey peace in your work envirnment if you don?t feel it within you? How to ask others to raise their energy, if your energy is low today?

The retreat is that space time that you give yourself to shine again, feel that you deserve the best and from that renewed energy spread it in your daily world. Because good energy, joy and light is contagious.

You are worth it!

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